Theme: 056 - Castles in the sky; for
100_chancesAuthor: Chey (
Genre: General/fluff
Rating: G
Pairings: 'Atemu'xYugi implied
HereWarnings: AU
Spoilers: None
Summary: Whatever Yugi's dreams, Atemu would always believe in them.
Disclaimer: Hopefully you know my answer to this by now.
Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams…
all the castles in the sky?
-Ian Van Dahl
“Well that was certainly…an interesting movie,” Atemu said tentatively as they left the theatre.
Yugi nodded. “It was different.”
“Creative,” Jounouchi offered.
“Very,” Yugi said.
After a long pause, Atemu glanced at his friends. “…It was bad.”
“It was worse than bad!” Jounouchi exploded. “Why didn’t someone put the breaks on the filming when they realized how stupid it was?”
“Maybe the actors were paid extra?”
“They better have been!”
“Makes me wonder why we didn’t just walk out,” Atemu said.
“Because, it was like a train wreck. You wanted to stop watching, but you couldn’t.” Jounouchi replied, stretching. “Anyway, thanks for inviting me to the movies guys, but I promised Shizuka I’d visit her today, so I’ve got to get going.”
“Alright Jounouchi…sorry about dragging you to that mess.”
“Hey, it was funny in its terribleness. See you guys later!” He waved and jogged away.
Yugi looked over at Atemu. “So what should we do now? Besides continue badmouthing the movie.”
“I don’t know, I’m free for the rest of the day…we could get snacks and go stand outside the theatre and warn people not to see it.”
“Hmn…” Yugi considered it, then glanced at his watch, and his face fell. “Oh no…I’m sorry Atemu, we’ll only have time for a snack. I’ve got to be home in a half hour.”
“Oh.” He looked disappointed.
“My father is home, he and grandpa have decided it’s time to educate me in the art of business, so that I’ll be prepared to take over the Game Shop after I graduate. So for the rest of the day it’s going to be spreadsheets, taxes and liability laws.” He raised his arms in mock excitement.
Atemu noted his less-than-pleased expression. “Not looking forward to it?”
“Not really.” He sighed.
“But you like games. I thought you wanted to take over the Game Shop when your grandfather retired.”
“When I was little I wanted to, and my family encouraged it…then I outgrew that desire, but they haven’t realized that. And I don’t know…maybe it’s not such a bad thing, overall. We already own the building, business is good…it’d be a stable future.”
Tilting his head, Atemu inquired, “Well, what would you like to do?”
Yugi’s cheeks flushed. “That’s not important.”
“No, really. If business isn’t for you, then what are you interested in doing for a career?”
“It’s nothing, just something stupid.”
“Come on, you can tell me,” Atemu wheedled.
“Okay, well…” He blushed dark red, studying his feet. “I’d…I’d like to be a writer.”
“A writer?”
“Yeah, I know, it’s stupid-”
“No it’s not!” Atemu looked down at him with interest. “What sort of writing do you want to do?”
“I’m not sure. I’d like to write things that make people think, you know? I want to challenge the things that I don’t agree with in the world, but do it in an interesting story that can be entertaining too. I don’t think I have what it takes for journalism, so I was thinking maybe fiction...short stories, novels.” He looked up towards the sky. “I don’t know…I’d like to leave behind something on this Earth to prove I lived. Just to prove that my life had a purpose.”
“I think that sounds great.”
“You do?”
“Definitely! If it’s your dream, you should go for it.”
Yugi smiled sadly. “If only my family thought that way. I only ever mentioned it once. Grandpa almost had a heart attack, Mom told me to stop joking around, and Father gave me a long lecture about the million different ways I’ll ruin my life by doing something so wishy-washy.”
Atemu frowned, but as he did, Yugi said, “Maybe they’re right though, Atemu. Writing isn’t easy. I couldn't make a living off it.”
“So? Who are they to say your dreams aren’t worth it? You deserve the right to reach for it. Own a game shop and write if you want. Or do something else, don't let them tell you how to live.”
Yugi’s smile gained a little strength. “You really think I could make it?”
Atemu smiled back, and allowed his hand to rest softly on Yugi’s shoulder for a moment. “I think you can do anything you set your heart to.”
“Thanks Atemu.”
And he was too busy hiding his own blush to notice the crimson across Yugi’s nose had deepened even more.
X - X - X
Notes: Honestly I'm not that happy with this one, but I had to write something. xD And there is something sort of cute about self-help!Atemu. *shot*