Title: The Thief
Pairing: YamixYugi
Fandom: Yugioh
Rating: PG cause Yugi says some curse words. xD
Theme: #42 "Be careful with your heart. If you give it away, you may never get it back."
Summary: Months after the Ceremonial Battle, Yugi curses the person that stole his heart and never returned it, but knows that his words are empty because he gave it away willingly, and never wanted it back.
Disclaimer: No I don't own Yugioh. But I got a lot of good ideas for if the day ever comes that I do! >3
Something had been stolen from Yugi. Something very valuable and very important. It had been stolen awhile back, and Yugi had noticed that it was missing the moment it was gone. Yet he’d never done anything about it, even though technically the loss of this extremely important object was possibly life threatening.
After all, he thought, humans can’t possibly live very long without a heart.
Oh it was physically there, perhaps, beating away steadily like it had been from the moment it had formed in his little embryonic self years ago. What had actually been stolen was the feeling of having a heart. Before, he’d always been able to feel it inside him, sometimes hurting, sometimes swelling, sometimes jolting…he was always aware of it, but now there was nothing. Nothing at all. Now it was just a random organ in his body pumping blood, a mass of veins and muscle and instinctive processes. All the primal emotions he’d associated with it were gone, and for the purposes of Yugi’s life, that pretty much meant his heart was gone too.
Goddamn heart thief.
Then again Yugi was partially to blame…he’d willingly handed it over to someone that had never even realized that he’d received it. How was Yami supposed to know? He’d been busy saving the world, saving their friends, saving Yugi himself…Yugi wasn’t even sure when it had happened but as the years passed, Yami had become the owner of Yugi’s heart without even knowing. And then he’d walked off back into the past…and never thought to give it back. And Yugi hadn’t realized what he’d lost until Yami was gone.
Rolling onto his side under the covers, Yugi closed his eyes and sighed. It was the middle of the night, and he ought to be asleep. But he’d been having a hard time sleeping. As it turned out, sleeping was difficult when you were minus the part of your body that created dreams. Oh sure everyone said it was your subconscious or some damn thing that created dreams, but Yugi knew better. His dreams had always originated in his chest, in his heart, that’s where they’d come from. Ever since Yami had gone, Yugi hadn’t been able to recall having a single dream.
He’s a heart thief AND a dream thief!
With a muffled groan Yugi pulled the pillow over his head. What was wrong with him?! Lying awake thinking about someone ought to be reserved for present-day love interests, not secret crushes that had ended-or were supposed to end-months ago. But then again what Yugi’d had wasn’t really a crush. It was something much deeper, much more than that, and truthfully he’d never actually allowed it to end. But still, four months…he’d told himself he’d be fine by now and acting like a normal human again. And yes he'd gotten to the point where he didn't start crying everytime he thought of Yami, and yes he'd gotten to where he could smile again. But he ought to have moved on in other ways too...he should be in love with someone here in the present. Someone he could actually touch and talk to and have a real relationship with. Not some 5000-year-old spirit that was now residing in heaven or the Fields of Peace or wherever he was, cluelessly in possession of Yugi’s heart. So that it was impossible for Yugi to give it away to anyone else. Even impossible for Yugi to just have it back for himself.
Yami, goddamn you, you heart-stealing bastard! You’re a spirit, you’ve got magic powers, now give me my heart and my dreams back and make me stop loving you!!
But even as Yugi lay awake and cursed Yami, he was smiling, smiling because deep down he wasn’t really angry at all, and he didn’t mean a thing he said. He knew he only went through this routine because it helped with the frustration sometimes. But deep down inside he wasn’t angry, not at all, and all of his words were lies. He’d given it away willingly, there had been no thievery. And even if Yami COULD somehow make Yugi stop loving him, Yugi wouldn’t want him to.
So yeah, maybe he’d never have his heart back. So what? He didn’t even want it back.