Title: Wait
Author: Chey (
Theme: 15 - “Some things are worth waiting for…even if you have to wait forever.” for
Rating: PG
Genre: general/introspective
Parings: YamixYugi implied
You're lookin' at it
Warnings: None
Spoilers: End of the series and Yami's real name.
Summary: What if mou hitori no Yugi chose to stay?
Disclaimer: Yugioh is not mine...
Home. When others talked of the home that all souls eventually return to, the image so often invoked seemed to be of a warm, bright place, with friends and family nearby. Somewhere full of sounds and laughter and light. With feelings…love and happiness and companionship.
It was, in short, a place that Atemu would never know.
To think, he had the opportunity to know all of it. It had been right there in front of him, the door wide open and welcoming. Yet he had turned it away so that he might remain with the person he loved, even if it meant that he was left alone when that person returned ‘home.’ Having turned down his only chance at the afterlife, and with only one soul in existence that could give life to his own, he had no choice. He was simply cast back into the darkness, to wait until that person came back for him.
It no longer matters. His ability to think deteriorated long ago. Lost in endless darkness, his memories eventually faded away into nothing. Loneliness claimed his emotions and slowly dulled them until none remained. And when everything else was gone, his sanity followed. The past, the future, none of it exists in his world of quiet madness; a world he is no stranger to. This isn’t the first time he’s lost himself here.
He will come back.
Somewhere inside the comatose soul, the words echo. The heart he lost the first time still exists, kept alive by an impenetrable force. No regret lingers there, only an enduring belief that he made the right choice when he acted out of love instead of logic, and in that spark of light the emptiness can’t touch him.
So he curls his last shred of humanity into the tiny space and waits to be found again by the only one who can rescue him.
Notes: This was based on a conversation about the ending of Yugioh that I had with Desty, in which she offered: "i'm not sure whether [Yami staying] would have been better or worse for them overall. After Yuugi eventually dies of old age, what would have happened to Yami if he'd stayed? Would he have automatically been able to follow Yuugi to the other side, or would he have been sealed away inside the puzzle again, just to have to wait for Yuugi to be reincarnated and set him free like before? Would Yami in turning down the afterlife at the end of the series, be losing his only chance?"
That made me think. It seems to me that he would stay with the Puzzle, because in fact his spirit inhabits the Puzzle, not Yugi, and simply uses Yugi as its medium. So therefore, when Yugi really did die...Yami would be back the way he was before. So he really did turn down his only chance. Leaving him to wait for Yugi to be reincarnated back.
This is if you go with the idea that there are individual souls that are reborn in various bodies, but the soul remains the same. Takahashi seemed to be leaning that direction. Therefore if/when Yugi comes back he may look different, but his SOUL will remain the same and it's his soul that Yami is bonded with. Of course, this is with the assumption that Yugi is NOT Yami's reincarnation, because that would make he and Yami the same soul, which wouldn't make sense. I've never really believed Yugi was meant to be Yami's reincarnation, anyway. Unless they were originally one soul in one person, in a life sometime even before Egypt. And after that person died, at some point their soul was split into two souls, one which was reincarnated as Pharaoh Atemu, and one which was reincarnated as Yugi. That actually would make sense, because the two halves would be constantly trying to re-connect, hence the reason he and Yugi a) look alike, and b) were drawn together despite one of them being born several thousand years later. Ooh, the possibilities from that theory are endless...
But either way, it's obvious there was a pre-existing bond that Yugi had with the Puzzle, and thus Yami, which means it must be a bond that transcends this single lifetime. *deep breath* Therefore, I'm going to make the assumption that if/when Yugi is reincarnated, he will likely somehow be led to the Puzzle, and again set Yami 'free'...or at least provide a medium for him to exist in the 'real world' again. Of course, it might take another five millennia before Yugi's soul returns, but the Puzzle seems to be one of those everlasting objects, and I'm sure that Yugi took actions to make sure it would be protected after his death.