application: pensnest

Feb 09, 2010 06:24

Username: pensnest

Briefly state your fandom experience: Having started out in Star Trek:TNG in the early 1990s I was converted to popslash in 2005 and have become quite prolific there. I'm now strongly attracted to pairing Lance Bass with Adam Lambert, because yes.

Link to three fics you wish to be considered based upon:
Bouquet Adam/Lance Bass, approx 35,000 words
The Adam Lambert Experience Adam/Lance, 2,700 words
The Christmas Tree Conspiracy Popslash, Lance/Jesse Tannenbaum, 6,300 words

If someone votes "no" on your application, would you like concrit from that person?: Absolutely. Concrit is always welcome.

[Mod reminder: Please vote anonymously. Votes that are not anonymous will not be counted. If you're an AI fanfic writer who would also like to apply, click here.]

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