Fic: Mortgages (Ten/Rose | Mature)

Apr 03, 2008 19:48

Title: Mortgages
Author: aibhinn
Rating: MA
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Summary: A discussion of domestics has turned into a demonstration of the, er, happier side of domesticity. Pure PWP.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, the Doctor and Rose would be happily travelling and saving the universe together forever. Since they're not, clearly I don't.
Author's Note: Happy birthday, swankkat! I'm sorry this was so late in the day, but life sort of exploded on me. I hope you had a wonderful day-you deserve every bit of it!

Rose pushed herself up and away from the Doctor, sitting astride his hips with her hands on his chest, grinning down at him. "Not so bad, this," she said, tongue between her teeth.

"No," he agreed, stroking her thighs. His eyes were very, very dark. "No, this is a type of domestic I think I can manage."

"Even if this was a house?" She shifted teasingly against him. "With doors and carpets?"

His eyes shut and he arched beneath her. "That's not fair," he gritted.

"What, this?" She shifted again, and he groaned. "Or the mention of doors and carpets?" She bent forward again, resting her hands to either side of his shoulders, and pressed an open-mouthed kiss against his breastbone. She could feel the alternating beat of his hearts thudding in his chest. "Or mortgages?" she breathed against his skin.

He growled, and suddenly she was on her back with him poised over her, his knees between hers and his hardness pressing against her. "Carpets, mortgages, gardening clubs, I don't much care," he said in a voice several steps lower than usual. It sent a sharp tingle of pleasure straight through her. He bent to kiss her throat, leaving a trail of kisses up to her ear. He bit her earlobe gently, then whispered into her ear, "You're mine." She whimpered lightly, and he pressed his hips into her again. "Say it," he demanded hoarsely.

She opened her eyes-when had she closed them?-and met his gaze with her own heated stare. "I'm yours," she said, meaning every word. Her hand slipped into his hair, rubbing his scalp, and he leaned into her touch-then froze as she slid her other hand over his back to hold him still, and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him tightly to her. "And you're mine," she added, rolling her hips into his.

"Yes," he hissed, and slid into her.

Her jaw dropped open and her eyes slammed shut again as he entered her, filling her perfectly. Her muscles seemed frozen, unable to move, so lost was she in the moment.

He made a muffled sound and she managed to open her eyes. He arched over her, still as a statue, every muscle taut. His eyes bored into hers, desperate. "Rose," he said.

"Please," she whispered in answer.

His eyes went even darker and he growled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tight against him as he began to move within her. She pressed her head back into the pillow, gasping, as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down her throat and across her shoulders. "Mine," he said again into her ear, his breath hot against her skin.

"Yes," she whimpered. The tension was building, coiling inside her. "Yes, Doctor."

"How long?"

"Forever," she gasped. So close…she was so close. "Forever."

He growled again, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Rose," he said. "Oh, Rose."

The wave broke over her and she cried out, tightening her hold on him as the ripples spread through her. He made a deep, gutteral sound and pressed hard into her, and through her own pleasure she could feel him swell and release within her, pulsing in counterpoint to her as he shuddered in her arms.

She ran her hands down his back, soothing and stroking him as her own orgasm began to fade, until his shudders settled and he relaxed against her. For a long moment the only sound was their harsh breathing, slowing now, back to its normal rate.

At last he lifted himself up and looked down at her. "Mortgages?" he asked in an offended tone.

Rose grinned, tongue between her teeth. "If that's the reaction I get when I mention them," she said saucily, "next time I'll talk about refinancing."

He stared at her, then broke into helpless laughter.

rose, fic, tenth doctor, smut, doctor who, ten/rose

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