Drabble: Like Father, Like Son

Oct 26, 2007 22:28

Title: Like Father, Like Son
Author: aibhinn
Word Count: 100, according to Word for Windows
Characters: Jack, Rose, Ten, OMC
Pairing: Jack/Rose/Ten
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Getting his memories back might give Jack more than he bargained for.
Author's note: Just a little something that occurred to me. It might become part of a later fic; it might not.

Jack watched the boy-Dennis-go past with his friends, his heart in his throat. The way Dennis moved-the way he laughed-the tilt of his head-

Rose squeezed his hand in comfort. The Doctor stepped closer, pressing his suit-jacketed shoulder against Jack's. Neither spoke.

At last Jack broke the silence. "He has my eyes," he said.

A young girl, spotty and painfully shy, tried to edge around the group of boys. Dennis noticed, and with Jack's trademark grin, opened the door for her. She blushed as she went through.

Rose smiled. "He has your heart, too," she said.

jack/ten/rose, fic, drabble, doctor who

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