HP Fic: "Green"

Jan 09, 2007 10:44

Title: Green
Rating: Everyone
Words: 695
Summary: Originally written for the hpgw_otp Colors of the Rainbow Challenge on Livejournal. Green and brown: the color of life, the color of earth.

Green is the colour you see when you look out the window of your bedroom at the Burrow and the front garden rolls on and on forever, past the rickety fence, down the hill, and out toward the valley and the village. But more, it's the colour you see even farther out, toward the horizon--hills and trees and the farmers' fields in June, verdant with growth.

Green is the colour that fills you with contentment in the back garden of the house, weeding and planting, not because you love plants (that's more Neville's line) but because you've always loved to get your hands dirty, and this is how you do it without Mum complaining. And the sun is warm and yellow, and the earth is cool and brown, and the plants drink in your patient tending and thrive on it. No matter how horrid the day has been, the plants soothe you with their calm, cool greenness.

Green is the colour Mum keeps trying to put you in "because it goes so well with your complexion, dear". Forest greens, mostly. Deep earthy colours that go with your red hair (no, auburn, it's turning to auburn, Hermione said it once and you cling desperately to that hope). You hate to admit it, but Mum's right, the colour does look well on you, and a certain pair of eyes once followed you all over the common room at school when you were wearing a green jumper Mum had knitted, though you tried hard not to notice.

And that's the other green in your life, the emerald green of a pair of eyes behind round, wire-framed glasses, topped by messy black hair. Green eyes that can go from miserable to mischievous in a split second, that can be shadowed with grief or blazing with--well, not love, it can't be love when one is sixteen, can it, but it is definitely something, and for more than a month that something was directed at you, all at you. You could see the worry and stress of everyday life at school fade away when the something came into his eyes, and though you knew he had some sort of secret he was keeping, you knew also that everyone has secrets, and that he would tell you when he was ready. So you took your time and enjoyed the afternoons on the green lawn in your green jumper with the green-eyed boy.

Until the day the world fell apart. You fought--Merlin, how you fought--but you knew that if he hadn't given all of you the Felix potion, you would all have been dead that night. And you sat at the funeral a week later and cried, and wondered what had happened, that the most powerful wizard on earth was dead, but you, a fifteen-year-old girl who hadn't even passed her Ordinary Wizarding exams yet, managed to survive. You knew your world could not remain whole after that, and so when he said, "We can't be together any more," you held in the tears and were strong for him. The pain in his green eyes was the only thing that held you together, because it meant that he hated it as much as you. You knew that arguing would do no good, and so you let him go.

But not really. Because when he walked away with Hermione and Ron, and you knew that it would be the three of them going someplace you could not follow, you knew the green of jealousy as well. And you made a vow to yourself, that you would not let him go into danger alone any more than they did. You didn't know how you were going to manage it, but by Merlin, you'd find a way.

Green and brown--the colour of life, the colour of earth. You look into the mirror, at your brown eyes, and you remember his green ones, and you know at last what you must do. So you take a breath, and straighten your shoulders, and go downstairs to fight for your place in the life of the green-eyed boy whom--despite the fact you're not quite sixteen--you do, truly, love.

fic, h/g, hp

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