"A Shocking Discovery" -- Doctor Who (1/1)

Jan 23, 2007 21:17

Title: A Shocking Discovery
Author: aibhinn
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Spoilers: None from canon
Rating: PG-13 for some nudity.
Summary: Irritated by their son's interruption of one of their few nights alone, the Doctor and Rose pull a truly evil prank on him. Part of the One Adventure He'll Never Have universe.
Author's notes: This is all badonkatonks's fault. She asked a question on my "Ask a Character Meme" on my personal journal, and I answered it. (Actually, she asked two, but this fic was inspired by the second one-the last part of that entry.) If you want to play along, feel free-click on the link to the entry, then click on the 'ask a character' tag to see the original post.

Pure crack!fic. Seriously. You have been warned. Thanks to larielromeniel for betaing and not smacking me.

Rose sat down on the sofa, rested her head on the Doctor's shoulder, and sighed contentedly. "An evening alone," she said. "At last."

He wrapped his arm about her shoulders and kissed her temple. "Fancy a quick trip in the TARDIS while the kids are out?" he asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. It's been a hell of a week; I'd just as soon spend some quiet time with you tonight." She slid one arm behind him and wrapped the other around his torso, linking her hands loosely under his left arm as she tucked her feet up underneath her. "We don't get a lot of time to just be together."

"Mm. True. Though with the kids old enough for jobs and friends now, I've a feeling we'll have more than we used to." He gently raised her chin with a knuckle so he could kiss her properly, a long, slow, warm kiss that sent shivers dancing through Rose's entire body. Almost twenty years since he'd rescued her from the other universe, she thought, and he could still affect her that way.

Loud male laughter caused them to jerk apart in surprise, and they heard the gate at the side of the house open and shut. Rose groaned. "Hell. Sounds like Alex has brought a few mates over." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Well, bang goes our night alone. D'you think he's drunk?"

"Alex? No," the Doctor said. "We metabolise alcohol too quickly; in order for him to get tipsy, he'd have to drink enough to poison a human. His mates might be, though."

"Well, I'm not sacrificing our evening if I can help it," Rose said firmly. Pulling her feet out from under her and scooting to the edge of the sofa, she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor, then reached up to flick open her bra and let it slide down her arms.

The Doctor was eyeing her with concern. "You don't think we can have that fast a quickie?" he said slowly. "Because I don't know about you, but I don't think I-"

"Not a quickie." She straddled him, jeans still fastened, and pulled his tie loose before beginning on his shirt buttons. "I just want to scare him off."

"What? How?"

She tugged his shirt down his arms and tossed it aside, then grinned. "How do you think?" she asked, before bending down to kiss him hard and deeply, just as the kitchen door opened and they heard Alex and his friends come in.

Clearly they didn't know anything was going on; they weren't making any attempt to be quiet. Suppressing a giggle, Rose broke the kiss, whispered "Watch this" into the Doctor's ear, and closed her eyes, leaning backward as though in the throes of ecstasy. "Ohhhhhh," she groaned deep in her throat. "God, yes."

It was all she could do not to laugh at the sudden, intent silence that fell. She cracked open her eyes just a tiny bit and saw four young men in the dining room, facing her over the back of the sofa. Her son looked utterly horrified; his friends looked utterly dumbstruck.

I shouldn't be this flattered to have nineteen-year-olds get a hard-on when they see me topless, she thought as hard as she could through the link with the Doctor. She felt his amusement as he slid his hands up her back to pull her close again so he could kiss her throat, sucking lightly at her pulse point.

"Let's get out of here!" she heard Alex hiss, but none of the others moved-it was as though they were transfixed. She let her head drop forward to hide her smile behind the fall of her hair, and did a quick little lift-fall with her hips over the Doctor's lap, as though they really were naked.

There was a whimper from one of the blokes, and she decided it was time to end this prank before they got the wrong idea. She opened her eyes and met her son's mortified gaze. "Hallo, Alex," she said, more serenely than she thought she ever could have managed. "We'd've had dinner on the table if we'd known you were bringing your friends over."

The link overflowed with amusement, but the Doctor managed to keep his face straight as well as he half-twisted round to look over his shoulder at Alex. "Oh, hallo, son," he said. "Are these your mates, then?"

There was a beat while all three of Alex's friends suddenly realised who the two of them must be. Their eyes widened into identical expressions of sheer panic, and the four of them scrambled back out the kitchen door and into the night. Rose heard two slams: the kitchen door and the gate on the side of the house, and footsteps as four young men pelted away into the night.

Unable to keep control any longer, she dissolved into helpless giggles, echoed by the Doctor. They held each other and laughed until their sides hurt, until the tears ran down their cheeks and their faces ached with smiling. "Oh, God," Rose said at last, wiping her face with her hands. "Oh, God. That was so bad. So very, very bad. I'm going to hell, I just know I am."

"Nonsense," the Doctor said, wiping his own face and suppressing a last chortle. "There's no such thing. But-" He wagged a finger at her. "That was very, very bad, Rose Tyler. To do that in front of your son!"

"He's seen me topless before. And it'll teach him to interrupt our one evening alone in almost three weeks."

"He may have seen you, but his friends hadn't," the Doctor pointed out with mock sternness. "You've just corrupted three perfectly nice young men."

"Believe me, Doctor, I know more about what nineteen-year-old blokes get up to on this planet in this time than you do. I doubt if any of them were first corrupted by me." She leaned her forehead against his. "But, you know, there's no sense wasting this perfectly good half-naked-on-your-lap thing, since we know Alex isn't going to be coming back any time soon, and Thalia's in France with Marlene and Susan."

"Good point." His hands went to her bum, sliding under it to press her against him. "But no more showing off, eh?"

"Only for you," she promised, and kissed him.

adventure, one-shot, fic, alex, doctor who, ten/rose

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