Curtain ShoppingAuthor:
cathalinPairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: PG
Words: ~1300
Genre: I mean, it's titled, "Curtain Shopping." XD What would the end of the year be without some Kradam fluff? <333
Warnings: Curtain. Shopping. Need I say more.
Summary: A trip to a store for Adam to help Kris pick out curtains for his apartment turns out to be not quite as boring as Kris anticipated.
MP3 || Length: 10:41
Are You Being Served? (Candy Hearts)Author:
pennilesspoet17Rating: PG
Pairing: Kris/Adam, mentions of Kris/OMC
Word Count: 1,076
Summary: Based on the prompt: Kris is stood up on Valentine's Day and is left sitting alone at his table in a fancy restaurant, feeling hurt and foolish and surrounded by schmoopy couples. Adam is his waiter.
MP3 || Length: 9:19
jerakeenPairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: G
Length: 818 words
Disclaimer: Not mine. No disrespect or offense intended to anyone.
Warnings: AU. Crack. OOC.
Summary: When the inevitable happens and someone adopts Kris, Adam handles the whole thing with grace.
MP3 || Length: 7:00
claire_kayPairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1800
Summary: Kris doesn't mean to keep kissing the famous actor Adam Lambert. It just happens.
MP3 || Length: 13:24
Number TwentyAuthor:
abusing_sarcasmShip: Kradam
Word Count: ~1,600
Rating: PG-13-ish
Warnings: Potentially offensive language regarding mental handicaps. Prior traumatic injury.
Summary: He's not retarded. Brain damage isn't the same as retardation. He wishes people knew that.
MP3 || Length: 12:06
Curtain Shopping! Cute and fluffy and all around makes me very happy. Domesticity is hot. :D
Are you being served? (Candy Hearts)...how could I resist podficing a story that includes the use of cheesecake as a plot device? Plus hatred of holidays is wildly amusing
Shelter. How is it that a crack fic in which Kris and Adam are respectively a dog and cat...how is it that I almost starti crying? And was left with a happy smile on my face. Jerakeen has ~mysterious powers.
Accidental. :D I simply love when Kris is a huge fanboy. And when they kiss.
Number Twenty. This subject is very personal for me and Cam did it complete justice. Wonderful, wonderful story.
Stories were recorded with author permission. Show 'em all some love. All of my podfic can be found