... Song.

Jul 26, 2008 19:16

:: You

Name/Nickname: Kelly
Age: 18
Gender: Female.
Do you have a preference as to which gender you're stamped as? No.

:: About You

Likes: Lots of things: friends (yey friends), reading, writing, alone time, THE INTERNET, fandom, music, secrets... Yeah. A lot of things. Oooh, people who laugh at my bad jokes. Mmhmm.
Dislikes: Not so many things: cluttered pages, slow internet, whiny people (I know, I'm mean, but life sucks, get over it), fakeness, talking on the phone (I get distracted too easily and people yell at me for not paying attention to them).
Hobbies/Talents: Hmm... I'm trilingual, play two instruments, and love to sit and do nothing including not practice those languages or my instruments.
Fears: Oh, so many irrational ones. Mirrors and bathrooms are near the top of the list. I'm afraid my mirror image will move differently than me in a malicious way. Have you ever seen "Cube 3?" AHH!
Goal/Dream(s): Right now I really want to find something I'm passionate about so I can take steps to make it become part of my future. I'm kind of lost at the moment, so that's my goal for this next year. :)
Three Strengths: I like to think that I'm pretty good at making friends, remembering people, and teasing people.
Three Weaknesses: Physical weakness (ugh), I'm kind of boring, and I think that I hold myself back in my friendships without meaning to.

:: Favorite

Color: Purpley indigo... That side of the scale.
Food: Macaroni and Cheese is good.
Animal: Dog, because I've had many and they're adorable.
Season: Where I live, it's pretty much the same all year round. I like spring the most, though, I guess.
Environment or Place: My room. I'm really not that much of a people person; I prefer being alone a lot.
Quote: "Just because we breathe doesn't mean we live."
Movies: 10 Things I Hate About You, A Walk to Remember, Legally Blonde, Jackie Chan movies... I dunno, I like a lot of movies.
Musicians and/or Musical Groups: Breaking Benjamin, Blindside, Three Days Grace, Rise Against... Mostly rock bands, both well known and obscure.
Books: Ender's Game is my favorite book. One Hundred Years of Solitude comes close. I'm into fantasy and fiction.
Television Shows: Right now the shows that I watch regularly are So You Think You Can Dance and Canadian Idol. I also like shows like Psych.

:: This or That

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Neither?
Realistic or Idealistic: Mostly idealistic. I never think something bad will happen until it does... Then I'm completely blindsided and it sucks.
Calm or Nervous: Nervous. I stress out a lot.
Outgoing or Shy: Mostly shy, sometimes outgoing.
Mature or Immature: Both? It depends on my mood.
Leader or Follower: Mostly a follower.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious, though when I'm out to have fun, I'll have my fun, dangit. :D

:: Related Questions

When did you start watching American Idol? Just this season, from the auditions.
Who is your favorite Idol ever and why? David Cook, cause I thought he was awesome since Hollywood Week, and I've only seen this season anyway.
Who is your least favorite Idol ever and why? I dunno. I'm gonna say that Adam guy from Canadian Idol this season, cause he was bad and should've gone home instead of Jesse!
Who were you rooting for in Season 7 of American Idol? David Cook, mostly, but I also loved the other two Davids and Jason.
Did you go or are you going to the American Idol tour? No.
What is your favorite season of American Idol? Well, I've only seen this one...

:: Pictures (optional) Nope.

Link Three People You Voted On: (if there is none available, please ignore)
1- Elliott
2- Meredith
3-and Kitty

stamp: ramiele malubay, mod: stamped

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