Title: Vampirium
Chapters: ?
Genre: Angst, Drama, Thriller, Yaoi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae, Jaewook/Changmin
Eternal beauty was something, Bleau, a bio-chem firm, tried to achieve. In the midst of a ground breaking experiment, two of their patients, Junsu and Yunho, fled.
With the experimental virus in the blood, anything could go wrong and Bleau wasn't taking any risk. They sent two security personnel, Jaejoong and Yoochun, to track them down. With the rule of thumb, execution when necessary.
Despite the danger of the Vampirium virus carried in their blood, nothing could stop them from drowning in a steamy affair. Neither realized that another pair from a rival group was tracking the missing patients and they are not going back empty handed. Fighting a fierce attraction of their own, Changmin and Jaewook, tried to push that aside and carry out their job. But when loyalty and morality collides, neither were prepared to take sides.
These six men met through the power of destiny. And they either work together to live or die running.
A/N: If you've been waiting for this... here it is... the awaited prologue... and get infected. <33
Special thanks to
dbsk_jaeho for lending a listening ear when I needed some motivation to write.
here Vampirium
Win it. Or die running.
| || | Prologue | || |
A loud wail of siren rang. Marc Tanaka grabbed his white lab coat from the hangers and slid over his wiry frame. He pushed up his gold-rimmed spectacles higher on the bridge of his nose. The door slid open to its side as he stepped under the automatic detector. White walls, pillars and doors all of the same shade. A group of people from the Explosive Chemical Unit walked past him wearing white helmets that hid their whole head except for a clear rectangular plastic that enables them to see. Their one piece white “astronaut” suit looked heavy; add with the fat white boots that almost scraped the floor while they walked.
“Dr. Tanaka!” His assistant, the redheaded, Michel, rushed to his side.
“Yes, what’s going on?” Marc took Michel’s panicked look to mean that something really bad had happened.
“They’re gone!” Michel sounded almost squeaky.
Marc hurried towards the end of the corridor. The big double doors were ajar, the handles broken. His heart thundered in his chest as fear rose deep within. Strong antiseptic filled his nostrils. Marc shoved both hands into the pockets of his lab coat. A misty whiteness puffed the room like steam. The nitrogen crawled all over his feet. He stared at the big clear cylindrical tube, horizontal on a metal support.
Shards of broken glass scattered around. Hundreds of clear webs marred the surface of the unbroken areas. Marc stepped closer, running his now gloved hands over the surface. The silver collar was unlatched, seated on the far corner of the white mat in the tube. He picked up the thin collar, the faint light blinking turquoise blue light.
“Who’s in-charge?” Marc turned towards the faces of his charge, all shrugged in white lab coat.
“I am.” A short, lean male with big wide eyes said.
“You didn’t activate this!” Marc shoved the collar at him. If the collar was activated, it could send zaps of electricity to the wearer where it would be attached around the neck.
“I swore I did.” He said, he lifted a finger to indicate him to wait, and went over to his station. The man clicked several icons and typed a few keys and brought up a black screen with green wordings.
“Here. It’s activated as of twelve midnight yesterday. And it last for a week.” The man said and Marc nodded.
“Then, how did they escape?” Marc asked them again. “Did you give them dose of SV2?”
“Yes.” The female said from behind a stocky man. “I think we’ve made a mistake.”
“A deadly combination.” A gruff voice spoke from behind the crowd. They parted to let the speaker walked through.
Jonas Lundquist was tall, tanned and muscular, not an ounce of fat could be seen. And he was blistering hot as molten iron. He smiled sadly at Marc. In his right hand, he clutched a sheet of paper.
“We’re in trouble if we don’t get them back.” He added.
“Bleau will be at our throats.” Marc agreed.
Jonas shook his head. “No, he is secondary. I’ve done their blood test for last week’s after we gave them a dose of SV2 and Elkaeli.”
“And?” Marc fisted his hands in his pockets, bracing for the news that surely wasn’t good. Jonas gave Marc the sheet of paper, slightly crumpled at the sides where he had been clutching.
“The main problem is,” Jonas bit his lower lip slightly. “They’re infected with the Vampirium virus.”
To be continued...
A/N: How was it for starters? Good? I hope so ^^ In the process of writing this, I almost broke my hot pink chair (rotatable)! Really! I was leaning back and CRACK! haha I f you don't believe me, you can ask
venisu , coz I told her XD