Encouraging Reply from a Lit Agent

Jul 27, 2014 15:08

Self addressed envelope arrives, another rejection. I log them when they come in; here's my current overall status:

The Story of Q (first / main book): total queries = 288
Rejections (includes no reply after 3 months): 173
Outstanding (awaiting response): 114
Under Consideration: 1

That Guy in Women's Studies (second book): total queries = 21
Rejections: 18
Outstanding: 3

But when I open the envelope, it's a little different from the usual:

> I am impressed with your query and ordinarily would request your
> manuscript. However we are backlogged with submissions. Should you
> not secure representation you can query us again in February 2015.


I'm off to Scotland now for a rare vacation. This was a nice note to be leaving on!


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