♥ sothereyougo wrote Long Snake Moan 3/3 for Gray Glube

Jan 12, 2014 15:54

Title: Long Snake Moan 3/3
Author: sothereyougo
Summary: “The only light was in a pool on the floor, like it was poured over him, moonlight milky and pearlescent in a low-grade throbbing ebb and flow…”
Spoilers/Warning/Triggers: Through Season Three of AHS. AU with the setting approximately around some of the events of “The Axeman Cometh” but ( Read more... )

round 4: fics

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Comments 7

grayglube January 14 2014, 07:53:31 UTC
Here's my smut queen crown, it is yours. Fuck man, fuck me sideway. Start to finish this was erotically charged, I was hoping Melly was Michael, and he was. And shit. It was wonderful. It was stellar. It is all adjective good great amazing that are not even words yet. That is how you write characters not normally part of the narrative. Melly is enticing, you wanna sell your soul to that. Kyle and Zoe and Madison together was cigarettes, cold shower, find a man to take he edge off hot and all that sticky sweet NOLA feel. I particularly like Melly driving, great scene in and of itself.

You are reigning smut supreme now.

This fic was so fucking good it has me thinking of how I can write better to be on this level.


Best gift ever.

All the awards.

10 out of 10.

Gold stars.

Would recommend.

Thank you for all the time and effort you put into writing this. It makes me so thrilled to be able to write in a fandom with you, mystery author.


grayglube January 15 2014, 02:23:30 UTC
Mystery author here - I have been giddy the whole day ever since I read your unbelievably kind and generous comment! I am so, so happy you liked your story. Every word you wrote in response relates to something I was holding as a cherished hope in my heart would 1) be something you would like, and 2) even come across as intended and at least somewhat-evident as deliberately crafted with your prompt information in mind, which it was. Also, thank you so much for giving me the impetus to go dark and dirty. I really enjoyed it.

This praise coming from you is so incredibly humbling and even more appreciated because of the source because I love your work so much. <3

Well, I better shut up now, but you can't imagine how happy you're made me! Later, when the reveals are done I'll write a response more about the story itself, if you're interested. I can't stop without just saying I'm so glad you liked Melly. I kinda want to sell myself body and soul to him too. Is that bad? ;)


anonymous January 17 2014, 02:21:46 UTC
dirty, filthy, fabulous fun!! oh my god! did i enjoy that three-some scene. wow! madison is such a wonderful bitch in this. i love that while planning to screw zoe, she gets screwed herself (literally and figuratively). i enjoyed this so much! great job!

drollicpixie - Erika


anonymous January 18 2014, 02:08:22 UTC
It's me, dirty, naughty Mystery Author here. Thank you for much! I was so pleased to get a prompt that gave me an excuse to indulge in wicked, smutty goodness in so many shapes and configurations, and yes! I had the best time having Melly get the better of Madison in their plan because she was the one he wanted to recruit first and then have all kinds of kinky fun with. He got to "top" her because his evil is more evolved and ancient and yet more subtle than hers, but she's still a feisty bitch, which is perfect for him in a consort. He won her over by playing to her vanity and lust for power, and she'll keep him on his toes even though he now technically owns her soul. (She wasn't using it much anyway, hee hee.) Thanks again for making the effort to leave me a note too. I really appreciate it!


anonymous January 18 2014, 02:10:32 UTC
Me again. Sheesh. That should be "Thank you so much", but you can't edit anonymous comments. Sorry.


jandjsalmon January 22 2014, 13:50:31 UTC
Well wow. This was fantastic. And I want it to go on and on and on. It's like a movie all its own. Melly was fantastic! Great, great fic! Well done!


jandjsalmon January 23 2014, 20:51:39 UTC
Thank you so much! (And also for putting up with me in general.) I really, really appreciate both things. I'm especially happy that you liked Melly. Also, I've already made some notes on an idea I have for a sequel to this, mainly because I can't let go of him now that I've "found" him, but Kyle and Zoe as well as Madison will also return. I can see it becoming a cross-over 'verse between the two seasons once I'm not writing specifically for my recipient because she didn't really want to see Tate and Kyle in the same story for this, but I sure do want to put Tate and Melly in the same story sometime too.

Heck, I'd love to see sequels to pretty much every story from this round. The quality of all of them was so impressive! <3


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