devinthefab wrote 'Give Up The Ghost' for Mng042197 ♥

Jul 29, 2012 11:42

Title: Give Up The Ghost
Author: devinthefab
Summary: He would always be a part of her, but she would have to let that part of herself go. AHS fanfic exchange.
Spoilers/Warnings/ Triggers: Cutting/Suicide
Author’s Note: Disclaimer: I do not own American Horror Story. This is simply my contribution and gift to the AHS fanfic exchange. Oh, italics are ( Read more... )

round 2: fics

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Comments 5

anonymous July 29 2012, 20:00:03 UTC
Sad but very pretty. :(


vamphorrorstory July 30 2012, 07:21:47 UTC
Wow that was incredibly sad, but pretty at the same time. Well done.


anonymous July 31 2012, 01:15:26 UTC
"He had such large masculine hands, yet still they always felt so gentle against her."


sad and happy.



aaronlisa July 31 2012, 03:45:51 UTC
Despite how sad this was, there was something breathtaking in the way you wrote this. Well done.


jandjsalmon August 5 2012, 05:59:53 UTC
OUCH! This just hurts my heart SO much. I love the description of the smells - I'm super smell oriented - and this is really a beautiful image or her trying to catch his scent on the sweater. Just really lovely.


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