♥ Rock The Rain wrote 'Desertion' for aaronlisa

Jul 27, 2012 11:49

Title: Desertion
Author: Rock The Rain
Summary: AU Violet/Tate. What if things went a little differently and Violet didn't die?
Spoilers/Warnings/ Triggers: Overusage of the word "bullshit" in Violet's interior monologue. Rated T.
Author’s Note: My first ever fic for a fiction exchange! At first I had trouble with it, because I sort of already ( Read more... )

round 2: fics

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Comments 5

anonymous July 27 2012, 21:12:26 UTC
I like that violet was brave and independent in this one. Part of me thinks the show should have been like this.


good job anonymous July 28 2012, 01:43:47 UTC
"I do believe I've found a home. At least for a little while." This really stuck with me.

I like how this is so informal, like a diary. Lots of Violet, lots of sass. Lots of strength.

Every line was gorgeous.



aaronlisa July 28 2012, 03:18:30 UTC
This was awesome. It was everything that I wanted. I love how you made Violet strong. Like someone else said, this is how the show should have ended.

I loved this line: I knew by listening to how he talked that he was just a little eccentric. That's the nice way of saying he was crazy, but I already knew all of this just by the fact that he was seeing my dad.

That line just summed up everything I felt about Violet and Tate.

Thank you!!!


anonymous July 28 2012, 17:35:16 UTC
I'm glad that you guys like it :) I tried to incorporate everything that the prompt asked for, so it makes me happy that you think I succeeded!


jandjsalmon August 5 2012, 05:55:54 UTC
Oh that ending rips my heart out each time I read it! I liked this a lot. Strong and Sassy Violet. Really great!


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