♥ sothereyougo wrote Long Snake Moan 2/3 for Gray Glube

Jan 12, 2014 15:52

Title: Long Snake Moan 2/3
Author: sothereyougo
Summary: “The only light was in a pool on the floor, like it was poured over him, moonlight milky and pearlescent in a low-grade throbbing ebb and flow…”
Spoilers/Warning/Triggers: Through Season Three of AHS. AU with the setting approximately around some of the events of “The Axeman Cometh” but diverging in story from it and from some earlier facts, most importantly that Madison has not died and been resurrected, but is just plain alive. I have also fictionally adjusted the timeline of Season One as occurring in the relatively-recent past and not concurrent to Season Three, which will make sense when you read the story. Rated NC-17 for mature themes, language, and explicit sexual situations in a lot of flavors. Trigger warning for some noncon bordering on dubcon because of taking place in AHS-world where magical realism is a foundation. (Real world equivalent would be noncom for sure.) Power-related kink and mild violence, drug use.
Author Notes: Title is from "Long Snake Moan" by Polly Jean Harvey from To Bring You My Love, 1995. YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3FlgXGTd0
Title song lyrics at the end. (Special note: All voodoo references are fictional and based on limited research and not first-hand knowledge. No offense towards the culture or religion is intended, and if any is committed, please accept my apology in advance as it comes of ignorance and not intent to appropriate or sensationalize through perpetuation of pop culture stereotypes.)

( Long Snake Moan 1/3 )

Everything was going according to plan. He couldn’t be sure if part of the thrill he’d felt holding Zoe close, but not as close as Madison was now, as they’d danced was because of what he knew of her cursed sexuality or what he suspected about her other nascent gifts. The specific answer wasn’t important, much as it didn’t really matter whether or not Madison’s obvious pleasure in how well her dance floor seduction seemed to be going was from an actual genuine attraction and desire for the girl whose neck she was nuzzling or whether she was simply relishing life as the omnivore he believed her to be. Melly did feel certain that her greatest desire was for neither women nor men but was instead a naked lust for power over as many of both as possible.

If she could gather more of it for herself by channeling her own particular powers of attraction, then she would enjoy it to the fullest, something the two of them definitely had in common. Ruthlessness such as he and Madison shared could also be a weakness because it could lead to tunnel vision, not to mention the kind of pride that went before a fall, sometimes from underestimating one’s opponents, a failing he wasn’t sure Madison was capable of avoiding, not yet anyway. Painful experience was a fine tutor though, and he was looking forward to playing his part in the process, to the hilt in fact, and the double entendre was intentional.

As for Madison, she clearly had no problem plying Zoe with alcohol to soften her up, and he’d done his best there too, not that Madison made it easy.

”What is this shit?”

She held her shot glass up to just above eye level intending to glean a little more light in which to scrutinize its contents.

“It’s Black Death.”

Zoe looked skeptical.

“It’s more reddish than black. What’s in it?”

Madison veered in the other direction like the loose cannon she was.

“Dark red blood-colored. Wicked...”

She tossed back the shot.

“…but a little sweet, with a nice kick. I like it.”

Zoe wasn’t convinced.

“You would. So, what’s in it then?”

“Blackcurrant liqueur, also known as crème de cassis, is the dark red part, and the kick is 150 proof vodka.”

“Black Death is a messed-up name, but other than that, it sounds okay.”

Zoe appeared to be considering starting off with a sip, but Madison quashed that idea in her usual tactful way.

“Don’t be such a candy ass. Kill it.”

Zoe shot Madison a look that was equal in voltage to the beverage in question but then poured it down her throat without further comment, and he drained his own glass.

“Another one, ladies?”

He was looking at Zoe.

“Whatever. Why not?”

Before downing the next round, they clinked glasses.

“There’s an apocryphal tale about the origin of the liqueur. Story goes that some monks invented it, for medicinal purposes…”

Just as Madison began to swallow, Melly casually dropped the punchline.

“…as an antidote to snake bite.”

It was profoundly satisfying when the sassy witch spluttered and choked a little before surrendering to mildly-tipsy giggles, the joke itself one that he’d intended to that purpose even if only the two of them at the table were in on it. It was a subtle way of reminding her that they were supposedly on the same side, not that he was sure she got that part. Zoe’s response was blunt and to the point.

“You sure know some weird shit.”

“That I do. That I do.”

Madison piped up.

“See, I told you Melly wasn’t just some drooling guy in a bar trying to get laid.”

“You did at that.”

“I’m not sure if those are compliments or not, but I’ll pretend they are.”

“Suit yourself.”

The half-smile Zoe included with the retort took out some of the sting, and he’d continued to watch her as her head began to sway a little when the band returned from a break and resumed playing with a bluesy number, the smoky-voiced singer beginning to croon and sigh in contrast to the more up-tempo style of their earlier set, one that Madison and Zoe had danced to vigorously and with all the infectious joie de vivre of the kind of youth that can’t conceive of mortality lurking in the shadows, maybe because they knew something about it that regular, so-called “normal” people didn’t. He seized the newly-unguarded moment and asked her to dance.

She’d been just beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol she’d consumed, but she was still focused enough to be delightfully tart and thus entertaining. Her slender body next to his own was soft and warm but also nearly crackled with the undercurrents of unacknowledged force and intensity, and for one like himself who could sense it, it was indeed like sheathed electric current, and he knew full well that it could and would strike lightning quick and just as deadly. The only question was how long it would continue as it had up to now. From Madison’s descriptions, Zoe had so far mostly acted on instinct, which had its own element of danger from her not yet having learned to take hold of the control switch. Good thing then that he found danger both fun and valuable, especially when he was holding cards the other players didn’t even know existed.

“Did anybody ever tell you that you look like a Leonardo?”

“DiCaprio or da Vinci?”

He laughed.

“Touché. But I’m not joking or trying to get in your pants, I promise.”

He laughed harder on the inside when she momentarily went rigid in his arms. The singer dropped his voice to a whisper, and Melly took the cue and placed his own mouth close to Zoe’s ear, first tucking a strand of her hair behind it to bare the opening to his breath.

“It’s mostly your eyes, although your features are fine and delicate as the Mona Lisa’s too. It’s the almond shape and the mystery, timeless and intoxicating, endlessly intriguing.”

Zoe shivered lightly , but her words betrayed nothing more.

“Does that line usually work for you?”

“I swear, Zoe, it’s not a line. You really do look like you strolled off the canvas, seriously.”

He could almost feel her eyes rolling in disbelief, but then the charm of the music and the night and the quite several Black Deaths and beers and bourbons seemed to gain ascendance because she let her head rest against his shoulder as her fingers probably-inadvertently brushed the hair at the nape of his neck. She breathed in slowly and audibly.

“You smell…interesting.”


“Not bad-interesting. Good. Sweet, but there’s something bitter underneath. I think it’s your hair.”

He bit off a chuckle.

“Oh that. It’s probably hair dye from a few days ago. It lasts awhile even after you wash it.”

She looked up at him quizzically.

“You dye your hair? Why?”

“Well, I needed to look different in case the cops come sniffing around, no pun intended. First guy whose car I stole to get here ended up a little dead.”

“You are so full of shit.”

“Maybe, but dead men tell no tales.”

Zoe looked sad.

“Sometimes they really want to though, but the words get stuck.”

He decided he’d better play it a little cooler and not let on that he knew exactly who and what she meant by that seemingly cryptic remark that was as transparent to him as her eyes were gloriously opaque, every bit the neo-Renaissance wonder and mystery he’d told her they were.

“Now who’s full of shit?”

“Yeah, right. Let’s just shut up and dance.”

So, was it any surprise that he currently couldn’t take his eyes off them as they shuffled on the dance floor, another slow number giving Madison the opportunity she’d waited for to begin by pulling Zoe closer and to lazily loop her forearms over the other girl’s shoulders, only gradually tightening the embrace and graduating to the use of seemingly-careless touches to draw her in, to call up the thwarted desire she knew was there just under Zoe’s skin, the girl full to bursting, and thus ripe for that desire to be turned in what might seem a safer direction.

When, at long last, Madison claimed her mouth in a kiss, right out on the dance floor for all the world to see, maybe even losing herself for a moment in the sensation and not just performing for the crowd and the more particular audience of one that he knew himself to be, because such a one as she would never miss the chance to try and impress him with what she could do with just the aid of a little or a lot of alcohol, depending on who was doing the measuring, without even resorting yet to the dark magic they’d previously arranged as their true goal for the evening. For Madison as well as for him, that other plan took precedence, but it was still important to live in the moment, and life wanted to express itself through his body as much as it did theirs.

So, even as he appeared to be sitting silently at their table, taking in the show on the dance floor with the interested but slightly-jaded eye of one who was no stranger to the delights of the flesh that New Orleans, arguably chief among the other cities in this so-called New World continent that was actually every bit as old as every other Sodom and Gomorrah on the face of the earth, could provide, so many people taking the excuse of somehow being under the sway of geography and history when it suited them, he let his blood flow through him as it would, just as Madison and Zoe were doing. He imagined the wetness between their thighs and the heightened sensitivity at every pore, and his cock swelled and hardened right along with their growing arousal. The show was only just beginning though, and he had no intention of missing a second.


Madison knew he was watching, and she didn’t care. Why would she? That had been her job for as long as she could remember, playing pretend while other people watched. This was no different, except maybe more fun. So, let Melly hide in the shadows. Now, it was time to wake up the other audience member who was soon to join in the performance, the sooner the better because, much as she relished the idea of having Zoe, she especially wanted Kyle’s cock and him attached to it. She liked cock, liked riding it, liked having it pump inside her, and her recent experience at the frat. party hadn’t changed that, well, not tonight anyway, seeing as how she was going to be the one calling all the shots this time, and that lovesick Kyle wasn’t going to be able to resist when he caught on, and, no matter how scrambled the eggs in his head were, he’d catch on: the only way he was having Zoe was by having her and having her first. She was taking that cherry for herself, damn straight she was.

“What are we doing in here, Madison?”

Zoe was slurring her words a little, and her eyes were crazy bright, despite the fact that the pupils were blown wide open. Maybe it was the near-darkness, maybe not. Madison felt pretty amped herself, barely noticing the ache from the bandaged spot on her right butt cheek. It would all be worth it though. She repressed the urge to laugh and focused on the moment at hand.

“Take it easy. Come over here closer to me.”

Zoe took a step, but then hesitated.

“What about Kyle?”

“What about him? He’ll want to play too. We’ll figure it out.”

“I don’t want to hurt him any more than we already have.”

Madison was feeling expansive and yet needy, so she got a little pouty.

“Come on over and kiss me. I miss you already.”

To speed things along, she closed the distance between them and pressed her mouth onto Zoe’s, gentle at first, but then going deeper and working her tongue into the kiss as she took a few steps backward, pulling Zoe with her, over to where Kyle was asleep in his nest of blankets on the floor. She ran one hand up Zoe’s ribcage and pressed the heel of her hand into the girl’s breast at the nipple, massaging it in circles as her tongue rotated with Zoe’s too, the symmetry of the motions creating a similar image in her head of an endless spiral of pleasure, except the one in her head kept on changing colors, which was a little strange but very pretty.

Everything was turned up a notch or three past normal somehow, and that included her hearing. Zoe began to moan softly and slid her fingers under Madison’s hair, kissing her back harder. Madison delicately prodded at the matching bandage on Zoe’s upper arm just below the shoulder to elicit a little more volume with the sharp-but-sweet stab of pain she knew would result. Just then, her heightened auditory sense caught the faintest jingling, metallic and yet almost-crystalline in tone. So, the sound of his mistress’s voice, all hot and bothered, had awakened him just as Madison knew it would, rattled his chains a little, which was the whole idea.

She turned the two of them so that Zoe had her back to him but so she could see Kyle over the other witch's willowy shoulder as she lifted Zoe’s hair up off her neck in a sweeping motion and tongued slowly down the side of her throat, organ extended and tip hard, all the while watching Kyle’s reaction. He was sitting up staring silently at them in the dimness, his lips parted. Madison almost thought she could feel their soft fullness on her skin just from thinking about it. She blinked a few times, ”Can’t let the booze distract me, but, shit, I feel good.” Closing her eyes, she planted another one on Zoe’s mouth instead, her hands finding their way down to cup her ass and pull her closer. The chains clanked a bit louder as at last he spoke.


The girl broke off their kiss and turned to him.

“Kyle. We woke you up.”

Madison smirked. Zoe must be starting to feel the spell now to have said something so simple-mindedly obvious as if it were some kind of surprise. Maybe that poke in the arm a moment ago had accelerated the effect of whatever-the-hell mystical toxin Melly had arranged for.

“I just bet we did. Go on, now. Go over and see him. Don’t be afraid. I’ll come with you.”

Kyle raised both arms and reached for Zoe, his black eyes unreadable in the darkness, but Madison thought she understood well enough all the same. Whatever Zoe saw there seemed to break her last thread of restraint, at least for the moment, and she rushed over and flung herself into his embrace, the chains rattling obscenely as he closed his arms around her. Madison strolled over casually, careful not to miss the moment when their lips met for the first time. First, Zoe whispered so low she shouldn’t have been able to hear it, but she could.

“Kyle, I see you. You're so beautiful, like a perfect marble statue come to life, come back to life, I mean. It's like there's a rainbow of white light coming from you. I see it as white, but the colors are there for a second like when a soap bubble reflects in the sun. I don't even know what I'm saying.”

He made a sound in his throat like his breath was some starved and strangled creature fighting and straining up from his deepest soul, if he even still had one, just to stay alive, and then he kissed Zoe with a ferocity that made her breath catch, so she could only imagine what it must feel like to Zoe. Maybe he would never kiss her quite the same way, but she was going to have him soon enough, right where she wanted him, so that didn’t really matter much to her, which was oddly disappointing somehow. Sinking down to the floor beside them, she tested the waters by caressing his nearest arm gently. When he didn’t cringe, she continued down it to where his hand was resting on Zoe’s back and urged the hand back carefully, never causing it to lose contact with the girl in his arms, but gradually aiming it around to the other side of her body until he closed his fingers around her delicately-sculpted breast completely on his own without further prodding from Madison.

As he began to work the nipple between his fingers, both he and Zoe groaned softly in unison. It was all pretty damn hot and going perfectly.

“Kyle, Zoe and I both want to make you feel good, but she’s a little scared about something, so we’re going to do it all together, okay? To make sure nobody gets hurt by the things about her that are special. You do know Zoe's special, don’t you, Kyle?”

He tore his eyes away from Zoe’s but didn’t stop touching her. He was clearly very excited, but still wary, in a skittish-doggje-who-doesn’t-want-to-get-zapped-by-the-invisible-fence kind of way, but he had heard and apparently understood to some degree or other.


Zoe found her voice again.

“She’s right, Kyle. This will sound pretty crazy, but we’re both special, Madison and I are. That’s how you’re here now after the accident on the bus killed you. You being on the bus when you didn't do anything bad is the accident. The crazy part is the name for what we are: we're witches, and it's because we inherited it from other women earlier in our families going back a long, long time. You already know we can do other things, like how we can make you go to sleep those times you were so scared, to keep all of us from getting in trouble, but not everything is good or easy to control. We're both still learning, so we have to be very careful, okay?”

“Okay, Zoe. Trust you.”

“You can trust Madison too.”

Kyle cut her a sideways glance that said he didn’t necessarily agree but, if it meant getting what he wanted more than anything in the world, then he’d pretend he did, which was just fine by her. Unlike his darling here, she didn't give a shit about his trust. She just needed him to play along until the spell Melly had promised her really kicked in, kicked in hard enough to kick Zoe's ass. All that crap about marble statues and rainbows was a good sign that it was already starting. With any luck it would end up scaring Kyle so much to see Zoe lose her shit that he wouldn't want her any more, but that would just be a bonus. Zoe needed to doubt her sanity and her powers, and that would clear the way for Madison to fulfill her destiny of becoming the next Supreme.

“Just follow along with us, Kyle, and we’ll all have a really good time. I’m here to make sure things go okay, and Zoe wants you to enjoy everything, enjoy both of us, understand?”

His eyes flew back to Zoe’s for confirmation.

“Yes, Kyle. Madison just wants all of us to be happy, so this time we’ll all be together because together we can fix anything that gets out of control like we did before when we brought you back. The unpredictable part is from me, from part of what I inherited as a witch, but we won't let it hurt you. Do you think you can trust that? Do you want to?”

Maybe he would prefer it be just the two of them; Madison couldn’t tell for sure, but he was still a guy, and having her along for the literal ride with Zoe’s blessing was a hardship he’d find a way to endure; she was sure of that much. Kyle looked from one to the other, his eyes almost as pupil-shot as the two of theirs, and nodded.


His consent obtained, she placed her hand on his knee and worked it back up his thigh to his hip and then over, fingers expanding wide as she felt for him. Yep, hardship was definitely the right word because his dick was rigid and pressing against him. He jerked involuntarily at her touch, but only a tiny bit this time, so she undid the metal button of his jeans.

“Show him a little something, Zoe. He wants to see.”

Zoe pulled her shirt over her head and took it off, revealing a reasonably-tasty stretch lace bra. Her tits were small, but the shape was very nice, and her nips might as well be two eyeballs considering how Kyle was staring at them.

"Good start."

Madison almost felt like the director on a porn shoot, but she hoped that Zoe would soon be so into getting with Kyle that everything else would fall into place. As Zoe undid the bra, she countered by sliding off her own panties, the tiny thong falling soundless to the floor as she undid the zipper of Kyle's jeans and reached inside. Now she had all of their full attention at her fingertips, and Zoe leaned in closer to see better while Kyle's hips jerked up at her. God, it was gorgeous, thick and substantial. It had length and heft, shifting of its own accord in her hand, the swollen head oozing pre-cum that trickled between her fingers luxuriantly as she held him loosely, teasing a little by making him wait for more purposeful motion.

"Get him naked, Zoe, so we can feel him, so he can feel us."

Kyle's breath was visible as Zoe bared his torso, quick panting jolts of air flexing the muscles of his abdomen, his belly taut. Madison helped with the jeans and his underwear, and then he was completely naked before them, all but the chains, and those were staying on. He was too distracted to notice yet anyway. The scars marring his flesh were strangely beautiful, almost as if, now reborn, he was so full of life it was near to bursting out at those seams.

"Touch and kiss."

Well, Kyle certainly had the right idea, but she doubted he meant for her to pull Zoe into a kiss first, one hand still lightly cradling Kyle's cock as she stuck the other down the front of Zoe's panties and slid a finger between her folds. Zoe let her mouth go slack for a moment as Madison began to finger her clit, spreading wetness over the sensitive spot. Kyle leaned closer and consoled himself by filling his mouth with one of Zoe's breasts, then focusing on the tip, sucking gently at first but then growing more agitated, unable to resist using his teeth a little, but not so sharply that the girl writhing on Madison's fingers would emit more than a gasp of startled enjoyment.

It did seem to awaken her to other possibilities though, and now it was Zoe's turn to do a little directing.

"Madison's cheating. She's the only one mostly dressed. You should do something about that, Kyle."

He cast a questioning look between them, but then did what he was told, unbuttoning Madison's blouse while grudgingly murmuring under his breath and probably thinking she wouldn't be able to hear, but she could.

"Pretty. Still mean one."

She'd shut up his bitching. She proceeded to plunge a finger inside Zoe to elicit a louder moan, and just when Kyle turned to see what had happened, his mouth open in anticipation, Madison stole a kiss. To her surprise, he kissed her back and growled in his throat, a striking contrast to the shape and texture of his lips, tender and lush as a girl’s. Must be the waiting. He grabbed her breasts and stuck his tongue deeper into her mouth. Her eyes closed of their own volition, and it happened again, the symmetrical swirling vision thing, except this time there were two, one thrusting like her finger inside Zoe's wet little pussy and one corkscrewing and twining like Kyle's tongue, both images morphing into narrower forms, breaking out in geometric patterns like the diamond shapes on the back of a- "No, it couldn't be." Madison’s eyes flew open.

Kyle finished the kiss and looked directly at her, his eyes glinting hard and lustful, no warmth, all cold-blooded greed. It was like looking in a mirror, if it was a mirror capable of peeling off the more humane façade she donned for special occasions, such as seduction combined with heartless betrayal.

"Finger both."

So, he was finally asserting himself. Well, Madison could identify with that sentiment, and it was about time she got some more of the action, which she was about to if she was interpreting the Kyle-speak correctly. She turned to Zoe.

"How about it? If we're asking the guy to let us share him, the least we can do is return the favor."

"Okay, so...how do we....?"

"It's not like I'm some expert on three-ways here, but I have a general idea. The main thing is to get where he can reach."

Madison positioned herself on her back on the floor to Kyle's right side, knees bent but pressed together. Zoe assumed the same posture just to his left.

"Want see."

Well, that was easy enough to understand, so Madison let her knees fall open.

"Zoe too."

Zoe followed suit. Kyle tucked his feet under and pressed his own knees into the floor, rising up on them, apparently to get a vantage point from above. It was like she could feel the path his eyes took, looking from one exposed cunt to the other and back again.

"Touch now."

It was a whisper, low and hoarse in his throat, and thus anything but sweet. Keeping his eyes trained on Zoe’s, Kyle placed the four finger-tips of each hand over each of their pubic bones before sliding them lightly downwards, then brushing back up in the other direction, delicately stroking into and up through the channel between their heated pink flesh, gathering wetness and releasing a waft of female sex scent into the air of the little greenhouse, itself a microcosm of the sacred feminine, a refuge for seeking solace at its true source: from nature as represented by the potent and exotic plants and flowers that Cordelia cultivated here for their healing power and other magicks, and what could be more natural than giving yourself over to the force and power of the sex drive itself, font of life that it was, but, more prominent to Madison at the moment was how good it felt to have Kyle’s fingers press in a little harder, seeking out both hooded buds for more attention, stroking in circles and then fucking into both girls with his thumbs, building to faster and deeper thrusts, his grunts a lower echo of their sounds, the scented air growing fraught with the tension building and building as both girls’ longing for release ascended up and up and up.

In her peripheral vision Madison could see that Zoe was rocking into Kyle’s touches, riding his thumb as it plunged in over and over again, just as she was doing herself, her hips rising off the floor as she ached for more. Glancing down, she eyed his dick rock-hard and pressing into his belly as if trying to disembowel him. A powerful wash of overwhelming sensation broke over her. She would have sworn that she could hear and smell the blood racing through her veins, hers and theirs too, could hear the thrumming heartbeat tide of it whirling in and out and back and forth, awash in the mingled pool of aromas, a pungent stew of blood-iron and pussy and the masculine tang of Kyle’s cock, itself aching to pour forth an ocean of cum, replete with multitudes of sperm; she even thought she could see them, swirling in the darkness, frantic to swim upstream and find an ova to assault and penetrate, but what if there were no sperm? Could zombie-boy even make them any more? Jesus, her head was full of crazy shit, so she latched onto a central concept, the one that called to her the loudest over the din in her brain.

“Need to fuck now.”

Kyle darted a startled glance at her that finally lingered, his tongue pressing against his teeth, another iteration of the caged animal they’d made of him.

“Fuck now. Eat Zoe.”

Well, the freak-Adonis had hit on the perfect solution. She would get what she’d wanted all along, and Zoe must be so cum-starved by now that she’d seize on the idea because it would also postpone the trial that she feared the most, the terror that her curse would affect Kyle as it had the two others who’d stuck their little heads in her gingerbread oven, one a terrible unintentional fate perpetrated from ignorance and the other a deliberate murder to avenge Madison’s honor, or some such shit, even if she was also sure that part of it was Zoe wreaking punishment on Archie for the worse sin of making it through Madison’s own act of vengeance, of his evil surviving where Kyle’s innocence had perished, and maybe Kyle had been innocent then, but that ship had sailed, so there was no point dwelling on it.

It was actually all pretty fucking Biblical, no lie, and she had no problem respecting the hell out of Zoe for doing it, although it deterred her not one iota from her plan to take her rightful place as Supreme even if it was at Zoe’s expense. The Bible was full of worthy opponents going at it, fights to the death even, plenty of them, and this was no different as she chose to see the situation.

She reached over and took Zoe by the hand and pulled her into a sitting position. Their eyes met, and the other’s eyes were glassy and hot.

“Let’s do this.”

“Yes, let’s.”

They turned to Kyle who was gaping at them in barely-restrained anticipation. Madison planted her hand in the middle of his chest.

“Okay, big fella. Ease on down, so I can get on board and Zoe here can sit on your face. Sound good?”

“Okay, no, good.”

“Sheer poetry there, Madison.”

Zoe’s tone dripped sarcasm, but it didn’t seem to be stopping her from positioning her other dripping wet parts over Kyle’s open mouth. Since the other girl’s back would be to her, Madison would be left all alone with Kyle’s lower half, and she didn’t care one bit. She didn’t want to make lovey-dovey eyes anyway. Leave that to the other two. Simultaneously, she straddled him and reached for what she’d been aching for. Priming it with a few pumps of her hand earned her a powerful upward thrust of his hips and a muffled groan as his tongue worked in Zoe’s pussy, her little yip a sign that he’d also taken a stronger taste as he’d reacted to Madison’s grip.

She raked the head roughly around the soaked entrance of her cunt, lubing him up so the sheer size wouldn’t prevent a pleasurable descent. Before she’d known she was a witch, Madison was all about the safety first, especially since most of the guys she’d been with were Hollywood he-ho’s, but now she felt sure that death and dismemberment would have also killed anything she would normally have worried about, and, if it hadn’t, then there must be a spell to do the trick. She’d never trusted anybody enough to go bareback, so this was going to bust her cherry for that just like she was busting reanimated Kyle’s. It was a win-win.

Zoe was keening and babbling incoherently about some visions of sugar plums or some shit dancing in her head. She was going to blow any second, and Madison would have a front row seat. Rising up, she grasped a little tighter and pulled Kyle’s cock into position: “Mother-fucking finally,” and she rode him down slowly, feeling herself fill and stretch around him. Kyle bucked up frantically, almost dislodging her from her perch, but this wasn’t her first rodeo, and she held on. As she began to move, Zoe’s keening grew louder, and Kyle strove to finish her off, his lower half also finding a rhythm with Madison’s strokes. Skin to skin, wet and hot and full of cock, it felt amazing.

And, at last, Zoe was completely losing her mind, which only enhanced her own pleasure. Then, Zoe began to speak in a chanting sort of rhythm that got into Madison’s head and somehow forced her to alter the pace she’d set for fucking Kyle, compelling her to match instead the rolling cadence of the other’s voice. That must be some fucking spell Melly had cast, and with a bolt of stark and vivid clarity Madison realized at last that it was the real truth. Melly hadn’t just provided the potion and used her money to pay the tattoo artist to spike his ink with it before the artist drew the pentagram on Zoe’s arm: it was all Melly’s spell, and it was so potent that it was evoking Zoe’s powers too.

“The snake bites its tail and makes the sacred circle. As it was in the beginning, so shall it ever be. World without end. Land and sea, Salt and ocean. We are the ouroboros…”

Kyle had gone still even as Madison continued to ride him. She tried to push away the image growing in her mind from down below, but it wouldn’t be denied. It was both a part of and separate from what Zoe was saying. They were the circle; Zoe and Kyle were, and she was alone outside, but not alone. Something was coming, dark and red and up from inside her where Kyle’s cock was stabbing at it, stabs of burning pleasure that were building to her climax, but the coming thing was separate from them, separate from Zoe and Kyle, a wave of red like fire was coming for her, ready to engulf her.

“…Drown in me, and go under, over and under in the circle. Your power is mine and ours. Live and die and live in me forever. The long snake moans.”

Zoe was grinding against Kyle’s mouth, the chanting apparently done, and she began to wail out as she came, Kyle thrashing, and Madison pumping up and down even as the red wave began to coalesce out of formlessness. Madison didn’t want to see. She wanted to come, so she tried to squeeze her mind’s eyes shut even as her cunt squeezed down on Kyle’s cock. She was getting there….just a few more strokes, and…holy fuck, she was coming, spasms so strong they almost hurt, but the red coming thing was here now too, and it had scales and breathed fire, and it’s eyes were smoldering embers. She couldn’t hear Zoe any more or feel Kyle inside her. In his place was fire and flame and Melly laughing and laughing as she screamed out loud, demon laughter reverberating in her head, and then everything went black.


Zoe opened her eyes and blinked. Something warm was nestled against her, something that ran the length of her entire body. It was Kyle, and he was sleeping peacefully. On the other side of the room, Madison’s bed was empty. She remembered now. Kyle had carried Madison up here, and they’d sat by her until she came around again, Zoe pressing cold compresses to her forehead and consoling Kyle who thought he’d hurt her from having sex with her. If anybody knew how he felt, Zoe did. The shadows on the wall and the dimming light meant it was almost night-time again. Where the hell could Madison be? Well, she must be okay at any rate if she’d managed to get up, dress, and go out.

Despite how freaked out she’d been right before she passed out or whatever had happened, Madison hadn’t wanted to say much, and things were a little blurry in her own head too. She remembered most of what they’d done, but there were blank spots here and there. Mostly, she was tired and happy and content. It didn’t matter to her if she ever had regular-style sex with Kyle or not because she could go down on him the way he’d done for her, a roaring success if she remembered rightly, but then some of that was in the slightly blurry zone.

She remembered hallucinating something to do with the alchemy symbol of a snake biting its own tale, an ouroboros it was called, and it had a long history and connection to all kinds of magic and mysticism and even philosophy and psychology, not just alchemy. She’d seen it in some of the spell books around the school, ones that belonged to Cordelia that had to do with sacred goddesses and the mysteries of fertility and life and death, which was heavy shit, but mostly good and positive. What had caused the hallucinating itself was equally unclear, but then she imagined that reading about spells and symbols and being a witch just beginning to get used to her powers and then pouring on a generous dose of alcohol was a pretty good recipe for going a little wonky.

She hoped the other symbol, the one she’d had actually tattooed on her body worked too. The upright pentagram fit in with all that female power stuff too from its association with the cycle of life and nature. The circle around the star made it a sigil of protection as each of the five points make contact with it, a sign of the connection of sprit, earth, air, water, and fire to the circle of life. Zoe blushed as she recalled that she might well have babbled on about some of this stuff during the sex, pretty awkward, but then again it probably wouldn’t hurt anything. Sex magic was said to be pretty powerful stuff and was right in line with the nature and life force connection contained in the pentagram. Maybe it would even enhance the protective aspect of the sigil. Anyway, it couldn’t hurt.

Meanwhile, what to do with Kyle? Maybe he’d stay up here quietly in their room without any restraints needed, but maybe not. She began to stroke his hair. Best to let him sleep a little while longer, then, if he agreed to go out to the greenhouse again and accepted the restraints just at night, then in a few days she’d try making the move up here a continuous thing while they worked on getting his language and ability to speak back. Then, he’d be ready to live wherever he wanted, and maybe it wouldn’t be in a house full of witches.


“What the fuck did you do to me?”

Madison was furious, and Melly sitting there grinning at her calm as shit was making it much worse.

“Of course, we can discuss it, but are you going to make a scene? Lurene wouldn’t like that, and I like Lurene and Lurene’s place here, so I’d rather you didn’t.”

“I don’t know yet. It depends on what you say.”

“Let’s take it down the hall then, Madison. Come with me.”

She watched him stand up and head down the short hallway leading to the restrooms and followed him into the Men’s one, seething silently.

“So? Answer me.”

“What do you want, Madison?”

Answering a question with a question was an aggravating-as-piss lawyer and therapist trick, and he was neither, so she wasn’t about to put up with it.

“I want to know what you did to me, you arrogant dick. I just asked you half a minute ago. Did you already forget, or is your brain just fried from meth. or coke or whatever you do that makes your eyes always glitter like that?”

“You misunderstand me. I’m asking you what you want for yourself, for your life, but to show I can be a good sport and play fair sometimes, I’ll answer your first question, but you’re not going to like it-”

He was pure infuriation.

“Of course I won’t. You were supposed to give that tattoo guy something to put in Zoe’s tattoo ink, so she’d go all nutso in front of Kyle to pay him back for dissing me after it was my idea and half my power that brought him back to life-‘

“Leaving aside the part where you were the one who killed him in the first place. Okay, continue.”

“Besides, I already told you. I want to be the Supreme of our coven, and I figure Zoe is my main competition, so I wanted her too afraid to even try to fight me for it. Instead, she’s all chanting like the high priestess of Granola-topia, and I’m seeing dragons and fire and losing my shit in front of them instead.”

“Why do you want to be the Supreme?”

“What? That’s a stupid question. I’m a witch, so I want to be the one that’s the most powerful, the one that can have whatever I want.”

“Don’t you think it’d be better to sign up with the winning side then?”

“What are you talking about?”

Melly came in close and put his finger under her chin, draping his other arm loosely around her hip.

“Don’t you like me, Madison?”

“Stop asking me questions when you haven’t even answered my first one yet.”

“You know what they say about consistency and tiny minds and hobgoblins, don’t you?”

Madison glared.

“Okay, okay. I dosed Zoe’s last drink here at the bar with a micro-dose candy flip, just a little baby one-“

“What’s a-“

“Don’t even try to pretend you don’t know what that means. I know all about you, Madison, and I didn’t get my info. from the tabloids. I dropped in just a little X for the euphoria and love to help you get her in the mood and just a little drop of acid, and, ‘flip’, she thinks she’s the merry queen of the fucking fairies, except she sort of is...”

He kissed her mouth lightly, maybe to stop her next interruption.

“…So, I ask you again, why be a Supreme when you can be Diana mother-fucking Ross?”

“And you’re Berry Gordy, I guess?”

She smirked at his surprised face.

“Hello? Dreamgilrs sound familiar? And maybe the internet?”

“People do that a lot, don’t they?”

“Do what?”

“Underestimate you, and I never will. I like you just the way you are…”

Melly turned her around to admire herself in the mirror.

“…You’re totally hot, but then you know that.”

She boldly met his eyes in their shared reflection.

“Naturally. What else?”

Melly began kissing her neck from behind and dropped his voice to a whisper, punctuating each adjective with another kiss.

“You’re everything I want in a woman: resentful, jealous, spiteful, vengeful, and…..”

Here he paused and stuck his hand under her dress, hesitating for a fraught moment before suddenly ripping the bandage off the new tattoo on her ass, the adhesive giving way with a sharp sting to her still-healing flesh.

“…simply starving for retribution.”

“That hurt.”

Their eyes met in the mirror again as he traced a finger around the outline of the design on her still-hidden skin, barely grazing the sorest spots and focusing on the areas that were only mildly painful.

“Want me to kiss it and make it all better?”

“Yes. But first, I get you like being all Melly-man-of-mystery and shit, but there’s something I don’t get.”

“Go ahead.”

“First off, so you dosed Zoe a little. Fine, whatever, but is that what you did to me? I’ve trolled a few times, and I never felt like that, never saw that kind of scary shit before. Did you dose me higher, you sick bastard?”

Just as on the night they met, if you only read a transcript of their conversation you’d think they were going to throw down and have a serious fight, but Madison was a gamer, and Melly was too, and she liked it, liked it a lot.

“Honestly, no.”

He cupped one of her breasts from behind with his free hand, the other still working the fringes of the trio of freshly-inked roses under her dress. It sounded cornball and cliché except that she’d chosen a design that was like the floral version of Gothic lettering, the line shadings varied heavy to light with swirls and whorls, an off-center grouping with delicate off-angled stems, black outlines colored in with cobalt blue, not some girly red or pink. It had reminded her of the illustrations in some of the magic books she’d seen at school, dark and ancient and dangerous, not some random tramp stamp.

“What then?”

“Would it scare you to know that it was all me? Better living without chemistry, except the kind we have without any drugs at all.”

“Ha! I knew it. What are you? Are you a boy witch?”

“You mean a warlock-“



Melly took a playful nip at the side of her throat.

“Oh, God. Please tell me you’re not a fucking vampire. That’s so tired.”

“Nah, just messin’ with ya. I can’t help myself. It’s so much fun.”

He shifted his hands and took hold of her hips, pulling them against him and grinding against her ass. She could feel his hardness pressed to her bare skin, the fabric of his clothing the only barrier between them because he’d pushed her dress up before he crushed their bodies together.

“You’re so strong, Madison, and I already said why you’re perfect for me, but this may sting a little.”

“Jesus Christ. You don’t even listen to me, do you?”

“Yes, I do….”

He was looking down at the tattoo now and smiling what could only be termed an evil smile.

“…There’s just one more thing I have to tell you first, so you’ll understand everything, and I know you can take it.”

He rutted against her, all the while gazing at the roses.

“What, for fuck’s sake?”

“Zoe is going to be the next Supreme.”

Madison felt a twinge that featured pretty much all the feelings he’d used earlier to describe what he liked about her.


“And just like that your eyes go as hard as my cock. Gorgeous.”

Melly shifted their positions suddenly again, turning her to face him. His eyes were fairly sparking with malice, but for some reason she knew it wasn’t meant for her, that instead it was a visible sign of their shared sentiment.

“Yes, Zoe has power, but so do I. So do we even. I just need you to say you’ll share yours with me, submit to me because you want to. It’s the only way we can be together, and, if you want to beat her, beat all of them, you can only do it with me.”

“What are you, Melly?”

“I was with you last night, the whole time, waiting in the dark because I like to watch, but you saw me. You just didn’t recognize me.”

He lifted her skirt up over her ass again, this time reaching down with his other hand and jamming a couple of fingers inside her, straight in, hard and deep, with no pleasantries. It didn’t hurt because she was already dripping.

“I know I’m a tease, but I won’t make you wait any more...”

He fucked his fingers in and out, and it sounded all wet and nasty and felt amazing.

“…You saw one of my faces last night. If you say yes, you can see it again. Say yes, Madison.”

She didn’t hesitate.


“Okay, then. Check out what I did to your tatt. I marked you as mine.”

As she turned her head over her shoulder, she must have momentarily cut off the blood flow in her neck or something because a wave of dizziness hit her, and her vision went cloudy. When it cleared again, she zeroed in on the reflection of the roses in the mirror. At first, she just thought it all looked pretty good for fresh ink, that the artist had done a good job. Then she saw it. For just a second or two the roses shifted, or maybe it was more that her perception of them did, like one of those optical illusion pictures that changed as you stared at it. The three roses were still there, but there was another pattern emerging within their lines, one in each rose, and each one was a numeral six.

“Holy shit.”

Madison’s eyes flew to Melly’s in the mirror, and they glowed ember-red like the creature that had gotten into her head the night before.

“Look at me.”

Madison turned to face him, and his eyes had changed back to normal, or as normal as they ever had been in the first place because they still glowed at her like she now realized they always had, only the color was back to their normal blue.

“You’re him, the one that’s supposed to come and bring the end of the world.”

“That’s me, but I’m in no hurry. Well, I am, but not for that. I’ve wanted to fuck you since I laid eyes on you, but, after last night, I can’t wait another second. How about you?”

“Bring it.”

Madison smiled.

“You like to watch too. Turn around and bend over.”

She obeyed. She even wiggled her ass at him. Melly slapped her there hard, open-handed and right over the place he’d set his mark on her. Then, he had his cock out and pushed it in. Madison did love watching herself get fucked, so she fearlessly met Melly’s eyes in the mirror as he accelerated the pace of his thrusts, their bodies slapping together obscenely, little grunts of air forced out of her mouth as she held on for dear life to the edge of the sink, palms pressed into the porcelain. She shook her head slightly.

“Fucking in the men’s room of a club like a couple of ho’s.”

Melly grinned.

“My beautiful monster.”

Madison didn’t reply right away because she’d rather focus on the head of his cock hitting the spot deep inside her over and over that drove her crazy. It was that perfect mix of pleasure and pain, a flash of the latter on each stroke that was like his body pushing her down the path to the place where her ultimate release awaited, but a little something extra might amp it up even more, so she deliberately provoked him.

“Look who’s talking.”

He grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked it roughly, pulling her head up, so she’d be sure to look at him in the mirror.

“Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?”

Melly laughed and kept on pumping her.


“Hot little bitch.”

He hit the last word hard and accentuated it with another ass-slap and kept thrusting, throwing slaps in randomly so she couldn’t anticipate when another one was coming. It was exactly what she’d wanted to push her over the edge, and Melly’s leer in the mirror said he knew it too. She cried out as the spasms hit, her cunt clenching around his cock and then the pulsating undulations following after hard and fast, but this time there was no dragon or whatever the fuck it was she’d seen last night, just Melly pausing in his motions to ram himself as deep inside her as he could while she came.

When she sucked in a deep breath, he got going again, fingers clamped to her hips and sure to leave finger-shaped bruises, fucking into her like she was the door to his last hope of salvation, and his dick was the key to opening it. Then, with a roar that seemed to echo off all the hard surfaces in the room, ringing from every corner and direction, he went still, and she could feel his cum exploding inside her. Unbidden, two words popped into Madison’s head: “Demon seed.” And that set him off laughing. He slapped her ass one last time and pulled out, roughly turning her around to face him yet again.

“This is only the beginning. I know you thought maybe you sold your soul to Hollywood, and it made you feel like shit, but now that it’s mine, nobody will ever make you feel like that again. Make no mistake though, it is mine, and I won’t ever give it back.”


( Long Snake Moan 3/3 )

round 4: fics

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