2016 Book list

Jan 20, 2016 12:55

1. JOB: A Comedy of Justice - Robert A. Heinlein ( Read more... )

2016, book list

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Comments 2

hellboy January 24 2016, 08:30:32 UTC
That Karen Abbott book looks hella interesting, was it a good read in your opinion?


ahria January 24 2016, 15:15:59 UTC
Yes, it really was. I was actually surprised that I found it so engaging because I've never really cared about the civil war at all before. The only negatives about it is some of the stories that the author posits as true seem a bit questionable- but she bases the claims on the women's journals, letters, etc. and mostly takes them at their word. Also, she falls into the prose a little hard some times. She'll say something like "She awaited the enemy line, heart beating loudly in her chest and thought the trees bare, skeletal branches were a sign of things to come" and I'm like Did she??? Really??? LOL (that was not a real quote) But sometimes I liked that it was a story format rather then a list of facts.

But in general, it was very good. If you read it, tell me what you think?


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