70 тысяч армянских гастарбайтеров в Турции - где они?

Feb 22, 2010 14:48

Вкратце: количество нелегальных армянских работников в Турции - порядка 12000. Никак не 70 тысяч, как спекулировали турецкие власти. Подробнее - у Диторда. Ну хоть какой-то толк от «Евразии»...
Number of Armenians illegally working in Turkey only 12,000

February 22, 2010

The number of Armenians illegally working in Turkey might actually be several times smaller than claimed by the Turkish authorities. There are between 12,000 and 13,000 Armenian citizens working illegally in Turkey, according to the results of a study by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, which will be made available to the public next month.

This study is very important, because up until now the Turkish authorities have been claiming there are from 70,000-100,000 Armenians illegally working in Turkey, and using it as a bargaining chip in their bi-lateral relations with Armenia, hinting they might send those illegal migrants back home if Armenia continues to encourage Armenian-Diaspora efforts for international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and doesn’t make concessions in the Karabakh conflict. Researcher Alin Ozinian, a Turkish Armenian, interviewed Armenians living in Turkey for the study.


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политика, армяне, турция, армяно-турецкий конфликт

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