Here it is, the first event of the Zlatan Drinking Game!
If you do not have the match (Inter v Siena), the files can be found here: Rules
1. Take a drink every time Zlatan metaphorically bitchslaps a defender. (Finish the bottle/pitcher/whathaveyou if he ever litteraly bitchslaps a defender, like he did to Sandro once.)
2. Take a drink for every assist.
3. Take a shot (or a larger drink) every time he scores.
4. Finish your drink every time he does the King-of-the-Pitch Pimp Strut.
5. Whenever an Argie!pile occurs (it must be around Zlatan as the central pole), eat one cookie for every Argie. Stableboy counts as an honorary Argie for this; Ivan Ramero does not.
Let's go!