Okay, so I'm getting some good reviews after posting
my Harry Potter fic over at FictionAlley - or rather, I should say, I'm getting SOME reviews at all - but it's still weird. Why? Because my big mind-fuck-o-rama sexual-predator-seduce-a-thon is being read primarily by children, that's why. Even the positive reviews (which make up the majority,
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Comments 4
I suppose because that's because FictionAlley is majorly frequented by kids who will read anything and click on anything even if it includes age warnings; I'm not quite sure that even if they do read R-rated fic frequently that they'll really recognise or understand the concepts you're trying to put across.
It is a thoroughly good fanfic, and I will be writing a longer comment soonish -- it deserves a good thorough reviewing :) and I do hope that, all things considered, you may write more HP fic in the future.
~ Mischa
BTW, did you catch JM on Loveline? How was it?!
Yeah. We can always chat more about it whenever you're interested. I like the way your mind works. Or the telling of that story.
Count me as a sixth adult who read and liked and would re-read.
Wow. Double wow.
To think, that if I hadn't followed M'Sallys comerantary on your review James whatsis (Marsters?) front-manning, I'd never have found out about it. I hope. Scary scary voluntary Stepfordwifeville.
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