I've been wondering whether or not to mention this since it started, day before yesterday or so, but I figger, what the hell.
I have, much to my own dismay, conceived the plot of my first Harry Potter fic. It is definitely mature-themed, involves het sex between two teenagers, and the betrayal of an adult. It is, while certainly not the most
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Comments 10
And hey...Deslea wrote Ginny/Moaning Myrtle slash and I still love her. I even liked the story in spite of myself. So go for it! ;-)
<--anti-conscience to all my favorite fanfic authors
LOL! Wow. Just when you think there's not a pairing out there that hasn't been explored, somebody else comes up and broadsides you with another.
You have the same opinion as JKR - good things happen when you're brave. :)
Hey, glad to hear you must have found tapes of those XF eps you needed for your fic, whether or not I came through in time. Well done you!
(The comment has been removed)
Now that was a lovely suggestion, Jen. :) Thanks ever so.
I do sometimes wish I liked - or could at least tolerate - slash, because damn HP is full of it, but really, it just squicks me something fierce in this fandom.
But there's a lot more than that at this site, and you're right - pontification free. Thanks again.
I'll look forward to reading it when you're ready to spring it upon the world. Until then I'll just have to continue to hide my secret and extremely Mrs. Robinson-like crush on a certain young thespian involved with the Harry Potter films.
Oh my. Did I type that out loud? *wink*
Gina (aka grandefille)
Okay, now you gotta spill. :) At least privately - send me an e-mail to annehedonia [at] attbi.com and tell the other Mrs. Robinson all about it.
Let's just say that Radcliffe boy ... well, never mind. Heh.
~ scurries out to don hair shirt and locate rosary ~
Yer gonna luuuuve my impending story. }:-P
(If you find a copy of your former wit somewhere, I'd still like to see. And save a hairshirt for me.)
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