Random Things

Apr 21, 2017 06:05

State of the LJ: I've decided that since I have a permanent account (and lots of great perks) anyway, I'll tentatively keep my LJ unless I start hearing of some concrete heinous stuff going on through its pages. Only I HAVE MOVED myself mostly over to DW at this point. That's probably not fair to my lj friends who are still reading and commenting, ( Read more... )

lgbtq, lj, nanowrimo, farm, goals, wondersaga, family, mom

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Comments 17

adoptedwriter April 21 2017, 11:48:34 UTC
I will find you at DW. I am there also as adoptedwriter.


ahavah April 21 2017, 11:50:13 UTC
Awesome! I'll go look for you. Thanks!


beauty_forashes April 21 2017, 11:51:39 UTC
Yeah, gardening is hard work. The huge garden where I live now was a wasteland of weeds, but I've been freeing it of the weeds and getting the ground hospitable for vegetable plants. A tiller would make it easier, but I'm just using a spade, a hoe and my hands - great exercise, though! I'm planting a "three sisters" plot too, but it's too early in the year to sow and plant those here, I have to wait until mid- or end of May. My squash and pumpkin plants are growing nicely indoors, though, in a plant nursery.


ahavah April 21 2017, 12:23:17 UTC
That's awesome that you're doing that all! I managed that back in NC, but I just can't do that here in MO. The ground is SO rocky. That seems like all I can grow, rocks.

Sounds like yours is off to a great start!


beauty_forashes April 21 2017, 13:36:52 UTC
I can imagine, in Montana! Thanks, I hope yours goes well too! :)


ahavah April 21 2017, 14:00:22 UTC
It's Missouri, actually. But it's surprisingly rocky out here in the Ozarks!


anonymous April 21 2017, 15:06:05 UTC
Get your "ho" game right girl! 😉I didn't realize mom had problems with the lgbt community. That's surprising.
Love you sister.
Chloe had an award ceremony this morning. She got 3 awards: Honor Roll, best behaved/roll model, and citizenship. Proud momma right here!


ahavah April 21 2017, 21:23:36 UTC
Yeah, it was surprising.

Congrats to Chloe! That's so awesome. I'm proud too. ♥


calico_pye April 21 2017, 22:21:49 UTC
Re camp NaNo - are you a veteran RhyMo? My only attempt was 10,000 words about ten years ago. Might reconsider this year :-)


ahavah April 22 2017, 00:31:44 UTC
I started NaNo 11 years ago, skipped a year, and then have done it every year since. I love it! I'm hit-or-miss with Camp, but I'm the Municipal Liaison for my area now, so I'm always gung-ho in November. I have a group with regular write-ins if you want to join us!


calico_pye April 22 2017, 13:16:40 UTC
I will keep an eye out nearer the time - will have to refresh myself with its terms and conditions, plus see if I have time. Could be good fun, though :-)


fliz0ntoast April 22 2017, 01:59:29 UTC
I'm over on DW. fliz0ntoast over there too.

I can never get myself to focus for Camp NaNo even when I really want to. :/


ahavah April 22 2017, 09:37:49 UTC
I added you! Thanks!

I have trouble with Camp too. There's just not the enthusiasm and cheerleading that happens in November. I have a pretty good year-round writers' group that does regular chatzy write-ins if you're interested. Those write-ins really help me stay motivated outside of November.


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