Thoughts & Decisions

Feb 02, 2017 06:13

A friend of mine died yesterday, and I think I've been extra upset about it in the wake of my cousin's death. This friend, I'm not sure how old she was, but she was probably around my age (30s, maybe early 40s). She was so young and vibrant, and she was someone who's really been doing something wonderful in the world. We were only internet friends ( Read more... )

communities, goals, friends, grief, writing, help, worldbuilding, death

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Comments 5

adoptedwriter February 2 2017, 12:38:41 UTC
So sorry re the loss of your friend. That sux.
I can always use an accountability bud for getting house chores / tasks done....especially as gardening season returns.


ahavah February 2 2017, 12:42:32 UTC
Thank you on both accounts!

Absolutely wrt gardening season. I have got to make this farm start working better for us. If you're game, maybe I'll do more accountability posts. We can check in here today if you like, but I only have half a day as I'm going to St. Louis for a doc appointment this afternoon.


adoptedwriter February 2 2017, 12:47:39 UTC
I teach all day n teach a fitness class tonight, so today prob not too much is gonna happen. Weather is kinda lousy and cold too.


ahavah February 2 2017, 12:49:22 UTC
Cool, maybe another time then. I'm going to really try to buckle down, so feel free to poke me about it if I forget.


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ahavah February 3 2017, 12:40:05 UTC
Awesome! Thank you so much! I'm going to try to remember to make periodic accountability posts. Please feel free to remind me if I fall off the wagon!


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