NaNoWriMo Feedback

Aug 31, 2012 14:36

X-posted to nanowrimo

It's almost September! You know what that means! It's officially NaNo pre-plotting time!

Who's doing National Novel Writing Month this November? I think I probably will for the rest of my life. Even if this computer doesn't last and I'm forced to do it long-hand, though that would be sad since the site wouldn't verify my inevitable ( Read more... )

dragon alliance, nanowrimo, help, wondersaga, neon giraffe, polls

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Comments 2

Love from Anjehla anonymous September 7 2012, 18:43:03 UTC
It looks like you are fairly split. Which one are you most passionate about? Which one do you feel like you could lose yourself in the storyline? Just some thoughts.

On that note, I do like the concept for Story 3, Neon Giraffe. It seems like one I could easily lose myself in while writing at least.


Re: Love from Anjehla ahavah September 10 2012, 13:40:57 UTC
Thanks so much for the feedback! Honestly, I'm equally passionate about all three of them, hence the trouble! Maybe slightly more about Neon Giraffe, because it's my newest concept and I haven't worked on it at all yet. But I got tons more votes on the nanowrimo community, and looks like The Dragon Alliance is the winner! I was just rereading last year's attempt, and it's WAY better than I remember it being, so I'm excited about that now too. I don't even think I need to 'redo' it like I'd planned, but just pick up where I left off. Although I am wondering if there's any way I can finish it before NaNo, since I don't have to start over. Still thinking. If so though, then I'll do NG in November. lol

I'm so glad to hear that you like the Neon Giraffe idea! I was worried that that one would only be interesting to me.


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