Writing Filter/Working Title

Dec 27, 2010 11:01

I've just done a brief post about my new project, 'Working Title'. If you can't see it below this, that means you're not on my writing filter. If you'd like on (or off of) the filter, please let me know.

dragon alliance, writing, filters

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Comments 8

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ahavah December 27 2010, 17:13:16 UTC
Why hello there! Thanks for adding me to your other journal then. I haven't kept up with the f-list since before Christmas, so sorry I missed your move! I am comfortable with you on pretty much all of them, I think. :) Just let me know if you decide you'd rather not be.


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ahavah December 27 2010, 17:51:04 UTC
Aw, I'm so glad!


stasia December 27 2010, 20:18:11 UTC
I am not on it and I want to be!

Also, I need to tell you yes, I want to be in the writing group, but I'm not doing any writing until after the first...

And HI, how was your holiday?



ahavah December 27 2010, 20:55:46 UTC
Hi! I've added you to it. The only other filter you are on is my "Ladies Only" filter, so please let me know if you'd like on any of the other ones.

I hadn't heard back, so I'd kind of figured that the writing group wasn't going to happen. We'll see, I guess. I'm not feeling well and not thinking too clearly at the moment.

My holiday was okay, I guess. I've been sick all week. Mildly better now, but the kids have been fighting each other and us all day, and it's made me feel a lot worse. I hope yours was good! I've been thinking of you and hoping that you're all healed up.


pungentodor December 29 2010, 14:04:02 UTC
I'd like to be on the writing filter.


ahavah December 29 2010, 16:06:23 UTC
You already are, it looks like. :D


pungentodor December 29 2010, 16:10:09 UTC
Heh. Well that take that as me begging for more.


ahavah December 29 2010, 16:11:09 UTC
I love it! lol I meant to work on it over my days off, but I felt too horrid. I'll try to get on the ball this evening.


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