Homegrown Dinners

Dec 15, 2010 23:33

I don't believe I've really posted much about our homegrown chicken dinners. It's kind of exciting, to be eating meat we have raised ourselves. It's literally a dream come true. This is what we've been working towards. We give our chickens happy, loving homes. They free range during the day. We honor them when we take their lives.

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josh, farm, achaiah, gratitude, family, life

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Comments 9

adoptedwriter December 16 2010, 06:19:05 UTC
Wow! That's all quite an experience. AW


ahavah December 16 2010, 12:30:16 UTC
It certainly was! It all worked out though.


minteluxe December 16 2010, 12:10:13 UTC
That's cool! I admire you guys. I would love to live on a farm like that. :)

You'll probably get used to it the more you do it.


ahavah December 16 2010, 12:31:19 UTC
Thank you! I imagine I would get used to it, although part of me is sad at the prospect of getting used to taking a life. I can see how it would happen though. So long as we never forget our purpose in honoring them, I guess that's okay.

You're welcome to come visit our farm anytime you like!


minteluxe December 17 2010, 01:49:11 UTC
Cool!! Thanks. :D

There is actually a volunteer farm around here someplace where you can go volunteer and they train you in renewable green living. I might do that later on once I'm done with school.


intrepidrayne December 17 2010, 23:10:59 UTC
Too bad about it being one of your girls. On the bright side, you had a lovely home-cooked meal from your very own farm. :)


ahavah December 18 2010, 03:00:50 UTC
Very true. It's a wonderful blessing. One of many lately!

I'm hoping to have a proper housewarming party next year and serve food that we've raised on our farm. You guys should consider a road trip! We need to meet you guys anyway, but it would be extra special to have you here at our farm. If I have my way, it will double as a "meet baby #3" party next fall. We just found out the other day. :)


intrepidrayne December 22 2010, 19:17:37 UTC
Wow, that is very exciting! Congratulations! I look forward to hearing all about baby #3.

Money is tight right now so we don't have any real big trips planned but, you never know. :)


ahavah December 22 2010, 20:41:24 UTC
Thank you! Well, I hope it works out, one day at least.


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