Supernatural - final ratings for There's No Place Like Home

Feb 01, 2015 19:47

From TVbytheNumbers

I'm also now including the 18-49 demo rating in parentheses. This demo is the most coveted by advertisers and is more important than overall total viewers.

The Flash - 4.08 million (1.3)
Arrow - 2.91 million (1.1)
Supernatural - 2.06 million (0.7)
The Originals - 1.74 million (0.7)
Jane the Virgin - 1.55 million (0.6)
The 100 - 1.53 million (0.5)
The Vampire Diaries - 1.47 million (0.7)
Hart of Dixie - 1.06 million (0.3)
Reign - 1.02 million (0.4)

For easy reference/comparison

Black - 2.50 million (1.1)
Reichenbach - 2.13 million (1.0)
Soul Survivor - 2.08 million (0.9)
Paper Moon - 1.93 million (0.8)
Fan Fiction - 2.17 million (0.9)
Ask Jeeves - 2.54 million (1.0)
Girls, Girls, Girls - 2.30 million (0.9)
Hibbing 911 - 2.33 million (0.9)
The Things We Left Behind - 2.62 million (1.0)
The Hunter Games - 2.42 million (0.9)


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