FIC: Breathe for Me

Apr 24, 2008 15:00

 Category: Fic
Title: Breathe For Me
Author: agriope23
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: SGA doesn’t belong to me. At all.
Comments: Just couldn't help myself. :) Still the ongoing 100 Kisses Challenge at

Teyla feels the electric charge build up in the air a moment before it strikes John.  The hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, dread travels down her spine and she has just enough time to issue a prayer before John cries out and his body is flung across the room.

There’s danger in entering an unknown part of the city and John’s special genes have a way of throwing him into harm’s way. John himself warned them to be careful when entering this room. The unusual energy readings render their radios ineffective, leaving them even more vulnerable should anything go wrong. His team followed his orders and proceeded carefully. The city however, is harder to command and one electric jolt later, Teyla sees danger mostly in the way his head hits the floor and in John’s stillness.

She’s the first to reach him, the first to breathlessly kneel next to him to confirm the worst: he is not breathing. She is perhaps also the first to enter that new realm of possibilities, in which John might not survive and their team might lose one of their own, right before their very eyes, impotent to stop it.

“Rodney! Head back to where you can get in touch with the others and call for a medical team! Ronon, go with him.”

The last thing they need is for another one of them, another with the ATA gene to succumb to more hidden dangers. She unzips John’s vest and shirt and feels, more than sees the other two hesitate. It’s always hard to leave a team member wounded but they know it’s the right thing to do.

Their footsteps announce their departure as she begins massaging his heart like she’s been taught. One, two… In between counts she wraps her mind around the knowledge that she knows what to do. There are concrete acts to perform, a procedure they were taught to help forestall or prevent the unimaginable.

She doesn’t dwell on what might happen, she stays focused on the one option she can accept. His skin is still warm under her touch and his chest gives away under the pressure of her hands. In this state, his heart must succumb to her in a way John never has. Right now, Teyla takes comfort in that.

Four, five… She tilts his head and parts his lips like Carson has showed her. She leans over carefully, as she might have had he been a lover, and not a wounded friend in need of assistance, needing her to save his life. Her lips touch his and she blows into his mouth, willing her breath to heal him, to bring him back where she needs him.

This is one more crisis, one more time his life is in her hands and she’s always known what to do on those occasions: everything it takes. Teyla won’t be letting him down, not this time, not ever. All he has to do to prove her right, is to breathe.

She resumes massaging his heart, counting aloud, breathes into his mouth, her lips brushing against his in a way she has never wished for. Of all the possible consequences she imagined to such closeness between them, death was not one of them.

A few minutes pass, not enough to give up or give in to fear, but the knowledge nonetheless sinks in. Their time is counted, she has to bring him back soon.

He could be sleeping, his features lax and devoid of the mask he wears on a daily basis. He is for once completely unguarded before her, open to her touch and ministrations. She cannot do too much, feel too much. She holds his chin in her hands and feels the rough stubble, moves in one more time and breathes into him, wishing with all her heart that this time will be the one.

He gasps unexpectedly and his lips push back against hers, his body issuing a breath of its own. She hovers above him, so close, her lips still brushing against his, eager to feel his breath, to know him alive. She can’t imagine it to be anything more than an involuntary movement, but his lips welcome hers, seek out her warmth, her presence and she kisses him back, softly, carefully ushering him back to life.

Her hand moves back down to his bared chest, past the cold dog tags, to where she knows his heart beats beneath the skin. His chest rises and falls, his breath the only audible sound until hurried footsteps in the corridor announce that help is coming. She lifts her head a little and finds his eyes, watching her, seemingly aware of the emotions unleashed within the past minutes, of how far he’d gone and what it had taken for her to bring him back.


She moves back to let other hands care for him. There’s a sensation of cold and finality. She waits to find out what it’ll be like, to watch him leave this room and her side, knowing that the feeling of kissing his inert lips is now truly a part of her.


His eyes find hers as he lies on the stretcher, an oxygen mask covering his mouth. She sees the smile though, and utters what he’s trying to tell her.

“It is okay John, everything is alright.”

challenges/ficathons, john/teyla, fic

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