Title: All the Sunsets Are Gone
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Ratings/Warnings: R, Character Death
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Word Count: 200
Summary: Jim drinks for a week, after.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: Written for challenge #231 at
slashthedrabble, "No Happily Ever After".
Jim drinks for a week, after. He disappears on the heels of the last crewman to leave his ship.
Georgia is just as unbearable as he remembers it. He's not sure how to go on without the most important person in his life, but there's one last mission to complete. Bones should be with him, cursing the heat, the lack of sanitation as the road winds farther out of the city, or Jim's careless driving. He should be plastered up against Jim's back, cock pressing hard, mouth against his nape.
The journey takes him three days. The baked ground kicks up dead earth all over his bike and his clothes, but his memories of that day won't disappear so easy. He wants to keep riding off into the sunset but the school is rushing towards him.
She has Bones' smile. She got that brown hair and those hazel eyes from her dad. When he tells, her eyes get sad but not surprised. She pulls him close and whispers, "I lost him once, to space and you, Uncle Jim. He loved you."
Jim holds on to her and tries to pretend he isn't dying too.