OOM: Emergency Situation

May 16, 2007 23:49

Kim is on the verge of tears by the time she finally hears ringing on the other end.

Angela's sitting quietly now, curled up against her, and Kim has warded the house, not that she thinks anyone will try to break in, but she won't take the chance.

All she gets is her dad's voice mail and it's a struggle to keep her voice even and try not to frighten Angie who wasn't worried before but is starting to pick up on her mom's emotions. "I- it's me, I just wanted to see how - if you were - " she breathes in and out, rubbing Angie's shoulder. She can't say she wanted to see if he was still alive. "Call me if - when you get this - I hope you're all okay." She hangs up before her voice goes completely and turns to kiss Angie's forehead.

"Are you hungry?" She asks, grateful that they remembered to re-stock the earthquake closet.

Angie nods and preparing food gives Kim something to do other than worry and try every number she can find to reach Chris, her dad or CTU which has enough to worry about right now without her tying up the lines.

Thousands of people are dead and her world's narrowed down to a handful.

jack bauer, laylet al-masir

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