
Mar 21, 2006 19:16

Her eyes snap open, hoping that she'll see her bedroom at home, that this was all a horrible dream. But the tingling burn on her lower back tells her that this nightmare is real.
The ground is soft, no, the couch. She's been moved, which makes her sit up, realizing that she's also wearing something she's never seen before - a dead woman's dress - no, wait, worse than that...someone dressed her.
At any other time, she'd feel afraid, but instead she looks at her hands, thinking about what she's done, about what she could do....about how she was being turned into a tool.
Compared to her teacher's interest in her, this is almost preferable.
She let this woman into their lives and put them all in danger, but if she's not there...they'll be safe. Maybe. She hopes. For the first time in months she feels powerless.
Ishamael visited her daughter. He had some kind of contact with her daughter. He tried to get information from her daughter. Her teacher talked to her dad, her fiancee, her friends... She's beyond the point of being horrified, isn't sure anything can ever make her feel again.
This is what it feels like to sell out - and realize that you've been corrupted long ago.
All feeling's gone. Her compassion, her love, her trust, her fears have been used against her.

medea, discovery, asmodean

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