Title: Agricultural Architecture
Author: straydog733
Rating: PG
Pairing: Troy/Abed
Spoilers: None
Summary: When the Dean sets up a corn maze in the quad, some get lost, and some find just what they are looking for.
“Abed! Where are you? I can’t see you!”
Abed couldn’t see Troy either; it had been the sound of the hyperventilating football player that had led him that far, but he couldn’t seem to key into the exact location.
“Abed, you gotta get me outta here! I’ve been here for hours, I missed two classes, and my socks are full of corn husks.”
“I’m coming. Just keep talking.”
“Who makes a maze out of corn, anyways?! What reason is there for a corn maze?!”
“I think it’s supposed to be fun. Or the set for a horror movie. I never was a big fan of Shyamalan, though.”
“Fun? Do you think rats in mazes are having fun? No, I- oh. Oh! What if there are rats in here?! My socks are full of corn husks, they’ll think I’m food! Abed, hurry up!”
Troy’s ramblings were interrupted by the loudspeaker crackling to life, echoing over the maze.
“Attention students, quick announcement. Just a general warning, please try to avoid the crows out in the courtyard. They seem to have become territorial of the maze, and we don’t need any more pecking incidents. Please people, don’t try to be heroes, and remember to cover your eyes. Thank you.”
“…I’m going to die out here, aren’t I? Be straight with me, Abed, the rats are gonna get me, if the crows don’t first.”
Troy sat and curled up on the corn-covered concrete, ready to accept his fate.
“It couldn’t even have been wheat. Then maybe they could have harvested my body, and I could have been part of a donut.”
This was getting serious, if Troy was already contemplating his pastry-based demise. It was time for Abed to abandon the rules of the corn maze and get to his friend.
Troy heard stomping and rustling, coming closer to him. It was probably a whole army of rats. He covered his head, peeking out to see the emerging form of-
“The walls are only about a foot thick. You can push through them.”
Troy was too busy throwing himself at Abed to listen.
“You found me! Thank you, thank you!”
Abed stiffened for a moment, then relaxed into the hug.
“I will never leave you. That’s a promise.”