The Decision - Draco/Hermione

Jan 18, 2010 20:52

I always daydreamed about what Draco would do on Hermione's wedding day. I definitely think he'd be ballsy enough to tempt her one last time.

The Decision
Series: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: written for the month 8 challenge at dmhgchallenge Keyword: Surrender

Hermione didn't know how he'd managed to sneak into the room, but there were only minutes left before she would walk down the aisle and she still couldn't force herself to turn him away.

"So beautiful," he whispered, kissing the very corner of her mouth as she, perhaps, memorized his. Her hand curled around his gift, grinding the metal of her ring against her last chance at-




When Draco stepped back and she lost all contact but the weight of his eyes, she knew. Hermione grabbed his hand then, nodding-surrendering-as the portkey spirited them away.

x-posted to blackestfaery, dmhgchallenge, and dramione

books:harry potter, challenge:dmhgchallenge, character:hermione granger, challenge response, length:drabble, rating:g, pairing:draco/hermione, character:draco malfoy

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