Bleh. Being at home is... unfortunate, but I get to leave (but only for a week) tomorrow! It will be nice to see Longsdorff people again
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My one midterm is over, it's a week till spring break, all my travel arrangements worked out, and I baked cookies this morning/early afternoon. Sure, I have papers to research/write, and I'd really rather be at the Dorff with no classes than at home, but, as things stand, it's pretty nice.
Stoicism is the love of my life. After Latin, of course.
I really am a failure at posting regularly, given that I have been here for about a month now and have only just thought to say anything about it. Life is good, except for the three-hour-long seminar class on Wednesdays. ANGER.
In other news, classics honor society will be killing Julius Caesar on the steps of Old West on the Ides of March.
Break is almost over. I'm rather torn about this. For once, I am actually really enthusiastic about going back to school. However, staying at home lazily also has its own allure. Ah well.
I've got a bit of a sore throat, and it has taken me a ridiculous amount of time to realize, "Hey, tea might be nice." To what depths of ineptitude have I descended without Courtney et al to offer me hot beverages at every turn?
There is a large pot of pasta and a large bowl of rice, both still warm, out in my dorm's kitchen, and nobody to be found. It's rather spooky, and since I am the sort of person whose imagination runs away with her, kind of terrifying. Some starch-loving monster has eaten the people who would have consumed the food!