Gay Cowboy picspam #4 (Not to beat a dead horse or anything...)

Oct 14, 2009 11:57

AUGH! I totally just found a small nest of the the *best* gay cowboy shots from Death Masks I had set aside to include in that first post! :::headdesk:::

Sorry to keep spamming, but these really are good...

Chapless version:

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Comments 3

www laceymcbain October 14 2009, 23:08:02 UTC
You know, I've shown episodes to friends, and inevitably (especially in the colour episodes) the first thing they say is, "OMG, the pants!! How can he walk!?"

Hee. Gotta love it.


Re: www agentxpndble October 15 2009, 00:55:37 UTC
Re: www laceymcbain October 15 2009, 04:43:57 UTC
OMG, thank you for those. *G* I was laughing until tears were streaming down my face. Conrad was one dedicated actor!!! The show must go on!


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