What the 'angriest dog' thing is about

Sep 06, 2005 23:25

I spent over an hour trying to find my favorite cartoon, buried off in my filing cabinet... I've been posting it in every cubicle I've been in since I clipped it from Esquire in 1987 (I haven't had a cubicle in a few years.)

The Angriest Dog In The WorldI get cramps from laughing at it even all these years later. It's ME - Paralyzed with rage ( Read more... )

humor, rants, icons

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agentxpndble September 7 2005, 20:44:50 UTC


eldritchhobbit September 7 2005, 17:01:12 UTC
My husband has a doggie cartoon he says is me to a "t" - a little dachsund has drawn up a chair to stand on so it can reach the espresso maker on the kitchen cabinet. I'm thinking your cartoon doggie could kick my cartoon doggie's butt.


agentxpndble September 7 2005, 20:44:27 UTC
I'm thinking your cartoon doggie could kick my cartoon doggie's butt.

Nope - My doggie is rigid as a board and can't move from the intense, paralyzing rage. Anyone could come by and use my doggie as a door stop if they wanted. But at least my doggie would be doing some good then...

Come back and read what paris7am wrote just beneath you... :::twilight zone music plays:::


paris7am September 7 2005, 18:22:00 UTC
In one of those bizarre coincidences, after reading here about the Angriest Dog in the World, I was reading one of my favorite aggregates, Grow-a-Brain, which today linked to this. Isn't the universe fascinating?


agentxpndble September 7 2005, 18:56:13 UTC
But that's... That's... Just the most freakish thing I've... My skin is literally CRAWLING. I had no idea. I mean, I clipped this thing 17 years ago and thought it was completely unknown. :::shiver::: I did wonder about the 'David Lynch' thing but it's a common name...


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