I'm trying really hard here to be positive about this...

May 16, 2008 14:10

ForbiddenPlanet.co.uk has just posted the Torchwood action figures coming out (they don't even have a picture for the Cpt. Jack figure yet) - As previously noted by friends of mine, there is no Ianto, Tosh, or Owen - In spite of the fact that we get the Cyberwoman and a Weevil (and will have already gotten *two* other Jack's by then.)


And none ( Read more... )

wank, torchwood, you_have_all_failed_me

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Comments 2

julesjones May 16 2008, 21:09:08 UTC
Meep. Yes, *very* nice. Love the coat....



agentxpndble May 16 2008, 22:42:42 UTC
Part of me wishes they wouldn't announce this stuff so far in advance... The agony of waiting is excruciating. Augh! I wonder if we will get a third variant on Jack with the Torchwood figure, or if they will simply repackage the DWS3 one...?

I started shopping around for stuff and found out a few things (which you probably already know, but just in case):

1) There are two, new, non-published audio books available at http://www.audible.com - Hidden and Everyone Says Hello2) If you have regretted not subscribing to the Torchwood Magazine, and freaked out at the costs of catching up issue-by-issue on dBay or wherever, you can subscribe and get back issues for a really, really good price here: https://expressmagtitan.com/site/index.cfm?ProduitID=156&ArchiveID=157&Page=Produits&Type=1... )


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