What??? My God, is she actually discussing the Professionals???

Aug 05, 2005 22:32

Having one of those synchronistic, rambling kind of days where everything weaves together. I think I shall start calling these sorts of days 'Bantock Days'.

Start at the beginning: I'm fascinated with Bodie's apartment. You know, the one in The Purging if CI5 and Need to Know... Every time I watch those, I never even pick up the storyline ( Read more... )

research!pr0n, art, the_professionals, bantock_day, books

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Comments 17

fenice_fu August 7 2005, 01:45:44 UTC
As long as we're discussing art, may I ask a question? In the John Castle gallery under Dark Blue Perfume, photo number 129...what the heck is that in the picture on the wall? I'd ALMOST say it looks like a study drawing of some Hopi kachinas but...anyone else know? Would that fit his character at all AgentX?

Sorry to butt in...but it's been bugging me since I was looking at the caps when they went up.


agentxpndble August 7 2005, 02:16:04 UTC
Well, I don't know anything about the particular piece you point out, but yes - John's character is supposedly returning to a small town he lived in when he was young after traveling the world for a few decades. He has a variety of Oriental-themed pieces in other parts of the house and the props department went whole-hog to make it look like he'd traveled all over.

I've convinced myself that I will finish all the copying this weekend and mail out everyone's stuff on Monday. ;-)


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