Still though, you should really keep persisting. If you did indeed take a semester off, your chances of not going back would have increased ten-fold. I know you wouldn't have wanted to go back, and most people I know who did try taking time off usually ended up not going back.
Either way, I think you'll be just fine with the whole thing. I know money is a problem, but you have to realize the financial gains you'll be having after college. Keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Plus, if you are really having trouble with classes, help is available. Let me know if I can help; some people seem to have the crazy notion in their heads that I'm intelligent or something...
Comments 1
Either way, I think you'll be just fine with the whole thing. I know money is a problem, but you have to realize the financial gains you'll be having after college. Keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Plus, if you are really having trouble with classes, help is available. Let me know if I can help; some people seem to have the crazy notion in their heads that I'm intelligent or something...
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