pokémon (b&w) icons x 11
pokémon (b&w) friends only banner x 2
other friends only banner x 1
1. You may use these wherever you want, as long as you upload them yourself.
2. Credit anywhere is nice, but I only ask for you to credit me if you use on LJ.
3. No claiming them as your own. Stealing will not be taken lightly.
Pokémon Fanart Credit:
ぺちか on Pixiv.net.
Other Art Credit:
あじ on Pixiv.net.
Friends Only Banners:
I left them blank so you could put whatever you want on them. They don't even have to be "friends only" banners. However, if you're uncomfortable with putting text on them yourself, feel free to message me and ask for a custom.
Pokémon: (2)
Other: (1)