just_muse_me | 14.1.4. Nietzsche quote

Feb 16, 2009 21:21

14.1.4. “The same passions in man and woman nonetheless differ in tempo; hence man and woman do not cease misunderstanding one another.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Co-written with straight2point

Harri lay curled up on Marc's sofa, having come over after work and effectively not moved since. She felt like shit, but she wasn't about to admit it. Her eyes ached, her ears ached, her nose ached, her throat ached, and even her fucking toes ached. She hated being sick, so if she never admitted to it then she could just work through it, and she'd be fine. Right? Right. She hadn't even touched her glass of wine, or made any attempt to eat the take-out she'd brought with her. Her head rest in Marc's lap, and even this close to his dick she didn't even feel horny.

Bloody hell...

She started to unbutton her shirt, a sweat breaking out across her brow. She wouldn't admit anything was wrong until she was on her deathbed. Until then it was nothing. She'd get through it. Hopefully it was just the shrimp she ate at lunch.

Marc finished the spring roll he was eating and licked his fingers, smirking down at her. "You aren't going to ravish me before I've even had a chance to digest, are you?" he joked and picked up his wine glass to take a sip. "I'm starving. I haven't eaten all day."

Harri groaned softly and glared up at Marc. "No... fuck, no. I couldn't even ravish you if you were naked and covered in chocolate." The idea of chocolate made her stomach turn and she curled up into a tighter ball.

Marc frowned down at her over the top of the wine glass. "Why not? I thought that's why you'd come over." He put the glass down and rubbed at his eyes. "My day sucked. Actually, I can't decide if things are better or worse. I just know they aren't good."

"It's not just about sex, love," Harri replied softly. And it wasn't, was it? Hadn't they talked about this? She dragged herself up into a sitting position and rest her head back against the sofa. "If you want me to leave, just say so. What happened?" She glanced at him, still ignoring her food and wine. Her hand clutched at her stomach and she shifted to try and get comfortable again.

"That's not what I meant," Marc clarified. "It would just be really nice right now. Have I done something to piss you off? I don't think there has been a single time other than LA that we haven't had sex when we've seen each other at some point." He rested his own head against the sofa. "Ali called. She was in a real mess and wanted me to come over. When I got there, she was in just as bad mess. She was sitting on the floor of the living room sobbing and the baby was screaming in the bedroom up the hall, so I had to help... and I met her. The baby. It was... strange. But that's not it. I think Ali has post-natal depression and not mild, either."

"No, of course not. I just think it's something I ate at lunch. Or not enough iron... I'm just not feeling very sexy now, I'm sorry. Well, consider this the second time." Harri rubbed her eyes and let them fall closed for a moment. "Has she seen a doctor? I can't say it's hard to believe given our conversation at the coffee shop. Add to that losing her best friends and the father of the baby... it's really not a surprise, is it? She's had to deal with being thrown in the deep end all on her own."

Marc felt the guilt surge through him and what of his dinner he had eaten so far turned uncomfortably in his stomach. "Yeah..." he mumbled. "She begged me to help her. I'm not sure the boyfriend even knows. She's probably okay when he's around but when she's alone, it all compounds on her. I have never seen her in such a state in my whole life. She's usually as tough as nails. It's like she couldn't even bear to touch the baby. The little thing was lying up the hall in her bed screaming until she was red in the face and sweating. Ali said something weird, too. That she needed help because she was scared of what she might do if she didn't get it." He sighed and turned his head to look over Harri's face. "Are you sick?" he asked, putting his hand on her forehead.

Harri opened her eyes and looked at Marc. "And are you going to help her? Besides a doctor, it certainly sounds as if she could use her best friend." She reached out to cover his hand with hers. "It's not your fault. I understand why you did what you did, but it's had repercussions and now you've seen some of them." Harri twisted to try and get his hand off her forehead. "Don't be stupid. It's just food poisoning or something."

Marc frowned again and pulled back, folding his arms across in front of him. "If you say so," he murmured. It wasn't like he wanted to get slapped down for caring. "I asked around and found this shrink who specialises in this sort of stuff. I thought I might go talk to the boyfriend. I need to apologise to him, anyway. Only thing is, I don't know if he knows about me or if Ali wants him to know about me. I was going to offer to babysit, but that's just stupid. I have no idea what to do with kids. I just sat with her until she seemed to calm down and told me she was okay. I didn't know what else to do. It's usually me with all the fucked up head issues."

Harri flinched and tried to give him an apologetic smile as she shifted on the sofa to rest her head against his shoulder. She wasn't used to anyone caring, at least anyone who wasn't Aiden. Aiden was in Princeton now starting his life with Pat, and Harri was left here. She needed to learn to depend on Marc but it was a slow process and she didn't want it to start with her being sick. "If she wants you in her life, then she wants you in her life. She can't keep you separate from the boyfriend, not if she really does need you and needs help. I say you have a right to talk to him, especially if Ali's not being honest with him. About the depression, not about you," she clarified.

Marc slipped his arm around her shoulder, albeit tentatively. There was a slight dejavu of how things used to be with Izzy, but he knew it wasn't the same. This was different. It was new, and they were trying to find their feet around each other. Fairs fair, though. She had seen him sick, so shouldn't it be tit for tat? He shook his head. "I don't think she's being dishonest with him. I think she either doesn't realise how bad it's gotten or she doesn't want to worry him. The guy works weird and long hours. Ali's not used to the whole courting phase of a relationship. She was in college when she started seeing my brother and it was just the three of us a lot of the time. I really, really don't know how I can help her, but she's really bad. I need to get my finger out some way. It's my fault she's like this. I should never have..." He stopped, shaking his head. If he had regrets about the SS now they would eat him alive. "What would you do if it was your BFF in trouble like this?"

"I'd tie him to a fucking chair and make him see a bloody shrink," Harri replied without hesitation. "He's done the whole stress thing and now he's in Princeton trying to be happy, and he is happy. And I'm happy for him. But this thing with Ali is worse. She's got a little person to depend on her and if she doesn't get it sorted then who knows what can happen? I know you think it's your fault, but the depression might have happened anyway. She has constantly stressed how not ready she was to have a kid, and how she didn't feel prepared. What happened has probably just made it seem a thousand times worse. If she had no chance to really grieve before she was suddenly a mum, then of course she's going to lose her nut."

Marc looked up at the ceiling, drawing a slow breath to hold himself in check. "I've failed her and now I feel like there is no way to fix that." He pushed his hair off his face and turned back to her. "But it's okay. You're not feeling well. I don't want to ear bash you. I'll try and figure something out. Something that doesn't involve being with the baby because she's so small, I'll break her."

Harri slid her arm around Marc's waist and nuzzled against the crook in his neck. Somehow the closeness thing was making her feel better. There was something to be said for the whole comfort deal. "You're not ear bashing me. It's what a relationship is, isn't it? Talking and trying to help each other. And you won't break the baby. You'll be fine."

Marc was quiet for a moment, it being one of those moments where it almost ached to use his brain and mouth simultaneously. Talk about feeling brain dead. "Bet you wouldn't be saying that if it was your BBF's kid you needed to babysit," he pointed out, smirking

Harri crinkled her nose. "Probably not, but I think I would go in there covered head to toe in protective gear, ready to give it a try. I'd do anything for him, even brave a child."

Marc raised his eyebrows. "Think that's on the horizon at all?" he asked and then picked up his wine again, nursing the glass against his chest. "She would literally kill me if I hurt the baby. I'm not exagerrating. She had the gun to my head literally. I can't believe she's my niece. She's beautiful. Just... so small."

"I don't know, maybe." Harri looked up at him from under a mess of hair and bit the corner of her mouth as she considered the idea of Aiden being a father. "He'd be a great dad. He's made for it. You're in love with her," Harri teased gently. "You can't ignore her."

"Big house in Princeton, white picket fence and a kid or two could be the next step. It can happen fast when you fall for someone... if it feels right..." Marc turned to her with a slight smile. "I'm scared of her," he admitted with a small laugh. "I can't believe she's Ali's. I can't believe she's Mark's. I can't believe I'm supposed to be some important part of a little life like that when I wouldn't even know what way to put a nappy on."

Harri nodded, and pressed a kiss to his jaw. She was nowhere near a house with a white picket fence, but she was glad Aiden was. He deserved it. "I don't why you're looking at me. I've had as much experience as you, love. I'm sure you can Google it and find out."

"Aren't girls supposed to know all this naturally?" Marc teased. He wet his lips. "I nearly had the picket fence thing once," he told her softly.

Harri's eyebrows went up. "What changed it?"

This was going to be another huge stepping stone to take, but it felt time. He couldn't hide away from her forever... not the way he was falling for her. "He was murdered," he told her, pressing his lips together. Okay, two huge stepping stones. Harri likely thought he was straight.

Harri blinked, and tried to work out if something had been lost in her brain which was feeling more and more like a marshmallow as time went on. "I'm sorry," she offered quietly. "That can't have been an easy thing to deal with." She wasn't sure what else she was supposed to say. She'd been blind sided by Marc again.

"I know that must've really been a crap thing for you to try and absorb right now. I didn't mean to dump it on you like that, otherwise it just would've led to more lies or fabrications and I'm kind of tired of that right now. He's..." Marc paused and chewed on his lip momentarily. "He's the reason I'm even here. He was a cop with the NYPD drug squad. Went into a drug bust and got shot and killed in the middle of the raid. The task force I'm investigating now is international and stinking of international drug rings operating through government agencies. The raid that David was kill in was linked to someone we're investigating. You could call it revenge, I guess... but it's more than that. Justice... it's justice."

Harri curled against Marc, and stayed quiet as she took the time process everything he was saying. He deserved that, and not just some half-arsed remark because she wasn't feeling well. Which was something she still wasn't going to admit to. "No wonder you've been so driven to make this work. The SS thing, not us. Fuck... I don't know what I'd do if someone I loved died like that. And I'm hardly in a position like you to get justice. It's not a crap thing for me to absorb, it's just another little surprise. I like that you can tell me these things, though. I just wish I had more things to offer you in return."

"Yeah, but look at the price I have to pay for it..." Marc murmured, the slightest hint of regret slipping through behind his words. "My life, really. Everything but." He gave her a small smile and kissed her head. "You offer plenty, babe. I promise you that."

Harri gave him a tired smile and nuzzled back against the crook of his neck. "If I was up to it, I would make such passionate love to you right now so that you understood how I felt about you. As it stands you'll just have to make do with a cuddle."

Marc let out a rough sigh and slumped a little further down in the chair and rested his head against hers. "It's okay, babe. I'm not much in the mood myself now either..."

"Hell must have frozen over, or we're about to see a swarm of pigs fly by." Harri managed to laugh before it was abruptly cut off by a sneeze. "Ah, shit."

"See, six months ago, hell freezing over and flying pigs might've made me laugh, but after what I've lived through, flying pigs almost sounds normal," Marc snorted. He glanced at his wine, but he had even lost his appetite for that. "So, it's just bed then?"

Harri lifted her head so she could look at him, blue eyes searching his. "Yes. But if anyone asks we had wild monkey sex. Harriet Ryan does not snuggle."

Marc raised an eyebrow at her, amused. "I could always go to bed alone. Wouldn't want to ruin that rep you've got going."

"Don't be ridiculous," Harri replied as she pushed her hair back from her face and arched her eyebrow in return. "There's no way you're sleeping alone."

"No way, huh? Whatya gonna to do me if I try, hmm?" Marc teased, matching her tone with a smirk.

Harri narrowed her eyes. "It involves much mucus. Care to try your luck?"

"Hey, I was puked on by a baby today. Bring it on," Marc laughed.

Harri grinned and leaned in to rub her nose against his cheek. "I figure this way I won't get a red nose from using tissues."

Marc pulled back. "Urgh, that's just so fucking wrong," he told her. "Are you trying to get me sick, too? You know, after my day, that's not very nice," he told her, sniggering.

Harri pulled her sleeve over her hand and tried to wipe him clean as she laughed. "Hey, you asked for it, love. I did warn you. Does this mean you won't kiss me?"

Marc pulled himself up off the sofa with a smirk, sauntering over towards the doorway. "Yup, that's what it means. I thought you weren't sick?" he added smugly.

Harri stared after him. "You're a fucking sneaky bastard. Remind me again why I like you?"

"My very huge cock," Marc returned smoothly.

"Oh, yes... something that won't be seeing any action at all for some time." Harri managed to get to her feet and flicked her hair over the shoulder. "And not because I'm sick, but because it's 'just bed' tonight."

Marc shrugged. "I'll just please myself then... beside you... in 'just bed'," he told her deviously.

Harri smiled, and starting unbuttoning her shirt the rest of the way, and dropped it on the floor before she moved onto her skirt. "That's okay, because I'll just be there naked... beside you... in 'just bed'. Did I mention the little moaning noises I'll probably be making?"

"You're not particularly sexy after snotting all over me, you know?" Marc said with a snort. "Diseased and using me for a human tissue and I'm supposed to be turned on?" He paused, leaning against the wall and sliding his hand down into his pants, giving himself a soft squeeze with his own little moaning noise.

"If I'm not sexy then why are you trying so hard to turn me on?" Harri asked as she divested herself of her underwear so she was naked in front of him. "No point turning someone on if you don't want anything to happen..." Harri ran her fingers over her chest, and down her stomach. She was able to push away the sick feeling in order to enjoy this. Plus she was sure she'd heard that an orgasm was good for a cold, or something.

"I'm turning myself on," Marc corrected, not missing a beat in the stroking. "Because you're too sick to want to. But that's fine. I can more than take care of myself. I'm a big boy."

Harri let out a quiet growl, and placed her hand over his, fingers digging in through the material of his trousers. Her mouth slid against his neck as her teeth grazed his skin. "How's that going for you?"

Marc hummed deep in his throat. "Hmm... pretty damn good," he confirmed. Teasing could work two ways and he could give as good as he got. He suddenly stopped with a small sniff. "Just bed, then?" He feigned a wide yawn. "I'm very tired... busy day and all that."

Harri didn't move, her body still up against his as she sucked harder on his neck and marked him. She moved her hand to his thigh and slid it around to squeeze his arse as she kissed a trail down to his collarbone and moaned as she licked at his skin. Finally she lifted her head, eyes dark as she looked at him and as she dragged her tongue across her top lip. "Just bed. Wouldn't want you to overexert yourself."

Marc tilted his head, narrowing his eyes a little. "I thought you were feeling too crap for sex?"

"I thought you were, too," she countered.

"Wanking isn't sex," Marc threw back.

"Ah... my mistake." Harri moved past him and into the bedroom as her second wind ebbed and she started to sway on her feet. She pressed a hand to her head in an effort to stop it from spinning. "Maybe you were right after all..."

All muses reference with permission

Word Count | 3,304

[plot] new beginnings, [co-written] straight2point, [ship] james/harri, [plot] the downside of sex, [comm] just_muse_me, [plot] meeting harri

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