Fic: "Balancing Act" (4/8) (Doctor/Donna, Doctor Who)

Sep 08, 2008 19:06

Title: "Balancing Act" (4/8)
Author: ageless_aislynn
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Ten/Donna
Summary: Donna has managed to save both herself and her memories but in doing so, has she bitten off more than she...and the Doctor...can chew? An alternate end to "Journey's End."
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2,940
Spoilers: Up to 4x13 "Journey's End"
Disclaimer: Not mine ( Read more... )

fic: rated nc-17, fic: balancing act, fic: doctor who

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Comments 54

chloris September 9 2008, 03:54:43 UTC
YAY! A new chapter! Poor Doctor getting all upset that someone is making moves on his woman. I like the image of him stalking up to her as she's trying to balance. I can see the look in his eyes. Mmmmm.

"You held off my orgasm," he said, stunned. "How? You shouldn't be able to do that, not with the bond still immature and not without training."

Does he mean that she held off his orgasm or her own? I'm a bit confused.


ageless_aislynn September 9 2008, 04:05:46 UTC
Does he mean that she held off his orgasm or her own? I'm a bit confused.

D'oh! Sorry 'bout that! I knew what I was saying, I just didn't bother to clue anybody else in on it, lol! ;) I added in a few more words that ought to hopefully make it make a bit more sense:

"You held off your response to my orgasm," he said, stunned.

Anyway, it was hers that she held off; she should've had no choice but to go when he did, but she managed to delay her own just a bit. ;) Sorry again! *offers cookie* ;)

And you know, I have to say that I kinda liked the whole predatory!Ten image myself... Rawr! ♥! Thanks so much for reading and commenting! :D ♥!


chloris September 9 2008, 04:28:03 UTC
Ah, good! I thought that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure if she had held off his orgasm as well. Ooooh, cookies! *takes cookie*

Predatory and possessive Ten is a lovely image! And made even better because you went from rather silly Ten having a funny conversation and then *switch* intense predatory Ten.


ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 00:11:37 UTC
That's one thing I love about Ten, how he can switch between intense and silly in such a short time! (Although, I confess I love Nine for that same ability! ;) My fic muse just hasn't "heard" him yet, lol! )

Thanks so much again! *brings more cookies* ♥!


bleu4bleu September 9 2008, 04:20:09 UTC
"Since when have you needed to ask before you put your foot down?"
*giggle* *snort*

Yay! New chapter. *gives many cookies* This was absolutely fantastic! All of it! (Especially the Doctor talking to Donna's "bits")


ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 03:31:31 UTC
Heeee, I couldn't help but giggle a bit myself at that line about putting her foot down, lol!

Ooo, cookies! *accepts and munches gratefully* :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was hoping the "Ode to Donna's Lady-bits" would go over well. I guess it shows how twisted my mind is 'cause I could just totally hear him saying all that, lol! ;)

Thanks again so much! *hugs!* ♥!


bleu4bleu September 10 2008, 03:43:17 UTC
Oh, it went over very well. I guess it also shows how twisted the minds of your readers are, since we enjoy it so much. :D

As for the cookies, you can have more with the next chapter. :D


ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 05:38:48 UTC
:D ;) Ooo, more cookies? Yay! They'll go with the ice cream, then... *devious laugh* ;) ♥!


catvampcrazines September 9 2008, 06:44:41 UTC
Gorgeous chapter. Fun, adorable, amusing, and hot.

This... this is just so much love:

He leapt onto the bed next to her and sprawled across her legs. "Oh, Donna's Lady-bits," he intoned formally to the apex of her thighs. "My apologies for failing to acknowledge your grace and beauty before this moment. Truly, you are a supreme example of lady-bits and I'm quite pleased to make your acquaintance. In fact, I hope to make your acquaintance many more times and at much greater length."

And he placed a solemn kiss on the pink cotton while she dissolved into laughter.

But, also, I freakin' died at "'Fifty-orange?' she stopped and questioned sarcastically."



ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 03:34:32 UTC
*glee* Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and the "Ode to Donna's Lady-bits" and the "fifty-orange," lol! ;) Those were definitely two of my fav parts from this chapter, so I'm tickled that you liked them, too! Thanks again! ♥!


cassikat September 9 2008, 06:52:02 UTC
Yay, new chapter! And oh lordy, the super-absorbent paper towel resembles a dryer sheet! And fifty-orange! *gigglefits*

Loved predatory Ten, and that is -so- Donna, managing to suppress her response to his orgasm.

Love it all, it's brilliant! (and yay again for new chapter, now I have four parts to re-read when I want good fic :D)


ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 06:50:41 UTC
Hee, I have no idea why but I was just so sure that paper towel was going to look like a dryer sheet, lol! ;) I'm glad it gave you a laugh along with the "fifty-orange" thing! ;)

Mmmmm, predatory!Ten is almost one of my particular favs, too, I must say! ;) Thank you so much for all the kind words! ♥!


ehmi September 9 2008, 07:37:58 UTC
I'll have you know that this is the only 10/Donna slash that I've ever liked. I usually don't like the idea, but this is a very fun story, and it's well written, and it's not any of that weird S&M stuff that I can't seem to get away from finding in my fic searches. So thanks for that.


ageless_aislynn September 10 2008, 08:24:32 UTC
Aw, thank you! That really means a lot to me that you don't normally like Ten/Donna but you've been enjoying this! :D I really wanted it to come across as fun because to me they just have so much fun together, and I felt like that would carry over if something like this would've happened to them. ;) I'm so glad that it's worked for you! Thanks again for reading and commenting! :D ♥!


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