Fifteen Characters Walk Into A Bar...

May 31, 2014 01:30

Taken from the loverly ciaimpala! ♥♥♥

1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment.

2) Ask your f-list to post questions in the comments. For example: "One, nine, and fifteen are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from four. Do they succeed?", "Under what circumstances might five and fourteen fall in love?", "Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?"

3) After your f-list has stopped asking questions, round them up and answer them using the fifteen characters you selected beforehand, then post them.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! :D This was a lot of fun to do over at Becca's LJ so I thought I'd give it a whirl as well. ;) Hope you're all doing great! :D *group hug* ♥♥♥

Edit: I forgot to mention last night that I'll keep this up for a couple of days, then do a post with all of the answers in it after that. ;) Thank you SO MUCH to my lovelies who have already asked questions, I'm having a ton of fun putting together the answers! :D

Also, so far, number 8 has gotten no love at all, so if anyone feels inclined, I know that he/she would love to be included, lol! Yay, number 8 is in play, thank you so much! :D *more hugs* ♥♥♥

Edit #2: ;) This meme is now closed! Thanks to all for playing! :D The answers will be up ASAP! :D ♥♥♥

fifteen characters meme, meme

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