
Fic: Wild Force (pt. 13)

Oct 06, 2006 23:53

[ disclaimers and header info] [prologue]
[ part 2] [ part 3] [ part 4] [ part 5] [ part 6]
[ part 7] [ part 8] [ part 9] [ part 10] [ part 11]
[ part 12]

Cale wasn't racing tonight, so she was allowed to show up early, although she played passenger to Dom, instead of driving. It was the only way she could think of to minimize the risk of being challenged and having some sort of fight break out because of it.

"You're insane, you know?" Dom said.

"Dom, I'm sure you know what it's like to have someone who's been black-balled around. It's the only way to keep the peace."

Dom snorted with a shake of his head. "You're with me, Cale. Nobody is going to mess with you."

Cale rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Sure."

The rest of the trip was made in silence. They'd find out the validity of Dom's statement soon enough.

"Well, well," Butch said coming up behind Cale as she worked the crowd, looking for Chris. "If it ain't Wild Force." He spat the name out as if it were a curse.

"Piss off, Butch," Cale replied with barely a glance over her shoulder. "Don't you have a race to prep for?"

"Oh, I do, but talking to you is more fun. Say, how'd you get that nickname, anyway, huh? Some guy give it to you after he fucked you senseless? Or maybe you went on a bender and did a lot of naughty things?"

"Fuck off."

"Ooh, the little girl has a mouth on her," Butch said with a chuckle. By now, Cale had stopped and a crowd had begun to gather. She turned and faced the man, a scowl firmly in place.

"I said fuck off."

Butch merely grinned. "Hey, you know your sister is quite a piece of ass. You take after her any, or what?" He said, making a move to grab her. Cale side-stepped neatly, which caused Butch to grin wider. "Oh, look. The ickle kitty is playing hard to get. C'mon, baby. You know you wanna give it to m-"

Butch never finished the sentence, as a fist connected with his jaw and Dom stepped between them. "I believe the lady told you to fuck off."

Butch glared at Dom. "Stuff it, Toretto; this is between me and the pop-tart, here."

"I'm sorry, what did you just call my girl?"

"I called her tart; a whore, if you will."

Cale barely noticed as Dom lunged at Butch and the two started fighting, for as soon as the two were engaged, she noticed two of Butch's boys break off from the main group and head towards the parked cars.

All right Max, what are you and your friend up to that needs a diversion like this one, huh? She weaved through the crowd and followed the pair, glancing back at the commotion only once as the noise died away behind her. By the time she reached them, it was too late...

"What the fuck are you doing to Dom's car?" she asked. The hood was propped open and the two were hunched over the engine. Her question startled them, but not enough for Cale's liking. This felt very wrong.

"Oh, hey Cale. Just giving your new boyfriend a tune-up, free of charge," Max said sweetly, stepping away from the car and dropping the hood.

"Like hell you are," she said, taking a step closer. "You don't need cutters...oh, you fuckers. You cut his oil line, didn't you?"

They started to snicker, but sobered quickly as they noticed something behind her. "Heh," Max said. "You're right, cutters ain't needed for tune-ups. Hold these will you?" He threw the tool at her and she snatched it out of the air automatically.

Cale didn't have time to protest before they disappeared into the line of cars, nor did she have time to dispose of the cutters before someone snorted in disgust behind her. She closed her eyes and swallowed thickly, her gut turning to ice. She turned to face the newcomer slowly, trying to hide the tool behind her. It was no use. Vince saw them and came closer.

"Well, well," Vince said, his lips turned in a cruel smile. "What are you doing all the way over here by yourself, Cale? Babysittin' Dom's car? And what're those? Oh no. No, no. You messing with Dom's ride?"

He gave her a nasty look as he stepped around her and popped open then RX-8's hood.

"Oh, you little fuckin' sneak," he said quietly. He looked up and his eyes met Dom's, as the racer finally joined them. "Dom, your girl's a lying bitch."

Dom gave Cale a questioning look, as he noted the cutters clutched in her hands and stopped at Vince's side. His look turned hard as he noticed the damage, putting two and two together.

"Dom, I swear I didn't. You have to believe me!" Cale protested. "I just followed Max and his buddy and found them here..."

"I just kicked someone's ass because he called you a whore," Dom said, his voice soft, yet deadly. "More importantly, I trusted you. I believed you when you said you didn't mess Butch up. But now, you're caught in the act and have the nerve to look me in the eye and tell me you didn't fuck with my ride?"

"Dom, I didn't do it!" Cale cried, finally letting the tool clatter to the ground as she walked up to the racer and put a hand on his arm. Cale stood against the murderous look for a moment before her own look hardened.

The two stood staring each other down for a long moment. The crowd that had followed Dom was silent, as everyone tried to inch closer to hear the verdict against Cale. Dom visibly relaxed a bit, and said softly, "Cale, go home."

She regarded him a moment more, before nodding, not placated in the least. "Fine," she whispered, letting go of the man's arm and turning on her heel. She walked through the silent crowd, which parted before her, and headed off into the night.

nfs:mw, fatf, fic

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