Yoomin ficlet #1

Aug 16, 2009 03:30

I was trying to do the iTunes meme with Yoomin as the pairing of choice, except that the ten flash drabbles I was supposed to write using the songs as prompts had the bad idea to start growing out of drabble-size :x And I just couldn't bring myself to leave them unfinished, so more will be posted in the following days, as soon as I finish writing/editing. :)

Dedicated to the_machine, for being the most effective slave-driver I've ever come across and a fellow Yoomin whore too ♥♥♥

Tearless by Iceman (listen)
580 words

Slanted rays of late afternoon sun stream in from the open window, carrying the distant sound of Seoul's traffic and the whisper of a summer breeze past the fluttering white curtain. Changmin watches in silence the shadows flickering over ivory and ebony keys and thinks of white sand and quiet sunsets and light playing on the crystalline surface of a tropical sea.

The fading sun casts a golden hue over the pale, bony hands splayed lazily across a handful of keys; the melody they're playing is foreign to Changmin's ears, thoughtful and littered with stretched silences, and it's during one of those that Yoochun finally looks up to see the tall figure standing awkwardly in the doorframe.


“Hi.” Changmin nods a greeting even though Yoochun can't see it, engrossed once again in what is probably going to turn into his newest musical achievement. He wonders if it'll be another duet with Jaejoong, and he's surprised to find bitterness and a hint of jealousy in that thought.

"Is it a new song? I've never heard before," he says quietly, padding barefoot across the carpeted floor until he's standing behind Yoochun; he hesitates, then tells the little, spiteful voice inside his head to fuck off and puts his hand on the older man's shoulder. To his surprise, Yoochun immediately rests his back against him without so much as flinching, and the lopsided smile he gives Changmin when he looks up shines with more than just the warmth of reflected sunlight. He seems relieved, as much as Changmin himself feels.

"No, just an ad-lib that didn't turn out so well," he replies. Changmin grins at his disgusted grimace and leans down until his chin rests on Yoochun's shoulder and his fingers cover the ones spread over the piano keys.

"What about changing it like this?"

He plays a few chords and Yoochun listens carefully before giving a nod of approval.

"Much better," he says. He sounds pleasantly surprised, and Changmin's impromptu ends with an off-key note that lingers in the air the same way Yoochun's kiss lingers on his skin.

He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and settles more comfortably against the other man's back; soft locks tickle his cheek, and he brushes them aside to press a kiss against the side of Yoochun's neck.

"I wish they hadn't cut your hair again," he grumbles, tugging at the newly-cut ends of Yoochun's hair.

"Ow," Yoochun groans, "yanking my hair off won't make it grow back faster, you know."

"I wish it would," Changmin mutters darkly. Yoochun laughs at him in a very unflattering way, then soothes it with another kiss before Changmin can take revenge on his already abused hair.

“One day I'll be able to let it grow as much as I want,” he promises -- and it might even be sooner than we expect, says the bitterness that surfaces in his eyes, even if just for a moment. Yoochun is easy to read, Changmin thinks, refusing to acknowledge how the same thought just crossed his own mind. On impulse he wraps his arms around Yoochun in a hug, planting a fierce, desperate kiss just below his ear.

“I think I'm strong enough to stand the sight of those bowlcuts for a few more years,” he whispers.

Yoochun makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like a cross between a sob and laugh and grips Changmin's hand, tight.


Thanks for reading! :)

EDIT: Please check out the wonderful fanart Jewell did based on this piece *o*♥♥♥ /flails

yoomin, itunes

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