multi-fandom graphic post for womenverse

Oct 09, 2012 15:21

Battlestar Galactica (9)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - mostly Faith/Eliza (5) 
Tangled (3)
Supernatural (4)
Misc - Charmed, Once Upon A Time, Nikita, Hunger Games, One Tree Hill, Legend of the Seeker (6)

Charmed (1)


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picspam, tv:ouat, tv icons, movie icons, tv:legend of the seeker, tv:buffy, tv:nikita, livejournal, tv:spn, tv:charmed, tv:oth, tv:battlestar galactica

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Comments 8

mylar1 October 10 2012, 19:57:07 UTC
I love your soulmate icons. Helo and Sharon <3


agathons_fan October 10 2012, 20:41:35 UTC
Thanks! I was so excited when I got that prompt because I knew instantly who I was going to icon for it. :D ♥


dance_the_dance October 10 2012, 20:01:01 UTC
#2 is the best use of this picture prompt ever, LOLOL, I love it. :D Also I kinda love her face. I think it's my favorite part of this post. :D

The second Rapunzel icon is lovely too! And the Faith one from the Starry prompt! And of course I'm saving the green Kara one. :D


agathons_fan October 10 2012, 20:43:51 UTC
THANK YOU. I was extremely proud of how that turned, especially since I had no idea what I was going to do when I first got that prompt. :P I really liked her on the show and was sad that not many people did.

I thought of you while making the Kara icon so I am glad you approve.

Thank you, Im glad you liked and appreciate the comments :)


dance_the_dance October 10 2012, 21:03:44 UTC
Dean = srs!face!cat. BRILLIANT AND CAN'T UNSEE. ;D I haven't even got to her scenes on SPN and I already love her from what I've read on the internet. xD Srsly, lol, I've loved her since I first heard that she's a bit like Ana from Lost. And just as hated, wtf.

I thought of you while making the Kara icon so I am glad you approve.
AWWWWWH. That's the sweetest thing. :DD IDEK. xD


agathons_fan October 11 2012, 03:58:03 UTC
Lol. I know. I wanted to do a set of men in tuxedos, but then I remembered.....oh yeah womenverse! So I compromised! I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on her character when you watch her.



mrsdrjackson October 13 2012, 22:54:26 UTC
Helo and Sharonnnnnn <333 I miss my BSG ships.

V pretty icons love!


agathons_fan October 13 2012, 22:56:38 UTC
I KNOW RIGHT! I do too bb. They will always hold a place in my heart.

:) Thankies!


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