My Way, My Life entry for tvrealm

Jan 29, 2012 19:52

Fandoms include: Charmed, Buffy, Stargate Atlantis, Prison Break, The Vampire Diaries, Nikita, Once Upon A Time, Merlin, Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, Battlestar Galactica, Leverage
my life )

tv:ouat, misc:tv, tv:buffy, tv:nikita, livejournal, tv:merlin, tv:tvd, tv:stargateverse, tv:charmed, tv:battlestar galactica, tv:leverage

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Comments 13

malicat January 30 2012, 03:01:43 UTC
That is one awesome criminal team,I would so want to join them :D


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 03:16:26 UTC
:D I know. I would feel safe with them. We would NEVER get caught. You are more then welcome to join us.


americangrl69 January 30 2012, 03:02:16 UTC
I almost used Kit but I'm more of a dog person. I totally agree with your walk off choices. Those girls have some amazing wardrobes.

If 'a friend who's closest you'd raid' was an option I would have definitely used either Hanna or Aria. I love their clothes. Though Emily has some pretty cute outfits too. I don't pay much attention to what Spencer wears. Actually it would have been too hard to chose and I probably would have come up with three options for it.


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 03:13:06 UTC
I love cats. Kit was actually the first character I cast. :P Such an obvious choice for me. Lol. :D

I LOVE THEIR OUTFITS! They were the second easiest to cast when I saw the category. Hannah and Aria have some of the best outfits. Emily has really cute and more, realistic/modern every day outfits that I really like. In the first season Spencer were a lot of (what I thought was) weird outfits, that were more like costumes, but she has gotten better and her season 2 clothes are cute. Either way, I love them all!

I was actually really surprised by the number of people who watch this show that this challenged revealed. I was pleasantly surprised. :P


americangrl69 January 30 2012, 03:26:34 UTC
I actually went through 3 other animals before I decided on my pet. I only decided because I was watching the show the other day and I really wanted to use him.

I wasn't that surprised. I knew a lot of people watched it. I didn't realize a lot of the members did but I knew it has a fair sized fanbase. I wasn't surprised that people were using Ezra as their teacher. I mean if I had a teacher that looked like him in high school I wouldn't be able to get anything done in class.

I just realized that I really need an icon for that show. I should really go through my icons and change them out for new ones that I'll actually use. One of these days I will.


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 03:38:43 UTC
See, I just started the show not too long ago myself. My roommate is really the only other person I know that watches so..... I guess I was so surprised because no one on my flist/in the community gave any indication of watching before this challenge. And OMG! If I had a teacher like Ezra I would just stare and fantasize and drool about him all day ever day. I completely understand why people chose him. It was a wise decision. :P

I too need an icon for that show.


burntheflaws January 30 2012, 03:26:12 UTC
Nice one! I completely forgot about Michael/Prison Break, but he'd definitely make an excellent person to have on your side. I definitely would've made him my co-partner in crime. :D


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 03:40:10 UTC
Lol. YES! When I was putting my criminal team together I had all the others fairly quickly and he was the last. I kept thinking who I could cast as like the brains and I had to look in my fandom list before it came to me and when it did it was perfect. He is smart and cute!


flipflop_diva January 30 2012, 04:20:08 UTC
LOL. I love your runway walk-off! And pet ... awwww! Perfect! ♥


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 04:30:23 UTC
:) Thanks.


dance_the_dance January 30 2012, 07:30:51 UTC
Yay Snow, Helo and Faith. :D And the graphics are super pretty! :)


agathons_fan January 30 2012, 19:20:21 UTC
:D Thanks!


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