Troperville Entries

Nov 29, 2011 19:59

.gifs for tvrealm
Fandoms include: Merlin, Hawaii Five-0, Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries

Prince Charming - The Prince Charming is, well, Prince Charming. Nowadays, the classic Prince Charming is almost never used, and the Prince is often Prince Charmless - a Jerk Ass, Smug Snake, or downright evil. Possibly, he'll be naive or selfish. I used the Classic Prince for some of these though.

Catch Phrase - An expression used by a character in numerous episodes of a show. Merely uttering this phrase in the office will key others in to the character you're referring to. For a line to be a Catch Phrase, it should be always the same, and not just catchy.

ButtMonkey - The character who is always the butt of the demeaning joke or the "put him through hell" plotline. For whatever reason, the Butt Monkey seems to walk through life with a permanent "Kick Me" sign attached to their backs, invisible to them, but all too visible to the rest of the world.

Hetrosexual Life Partners - Two extremely close friends or partners, both the same gender, who spend an 'excessive' amount of time together on and off the job.

Bad ass Damsel - Exactly the opposite of the Damsel in Distress. She may get whacked with a Distress Ball every now and again, but blast it all, she's got SKILLS.

Costumer - An alternative reality episode that's an excuse to put the characters in period costume.

tv gifs, tv:ouat, tv:tvd, tv:merlin, misc:tv

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