Title: Linear Loop
agapi42Recipient, request: Written for the
otp_indomitable ficathon for
avendya who wanted Sarah Jane/Other character, between her last serial with the Fourth Doctor and School Reunion, angst, normalcy.
Ratings, warnings: G
Word count 944
Author's notes: A bit of this is similar to Making It Rain by
orbythesea. This is completely accidental and was already
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Comments 34
I especially liked:
“Even though, when you have the whole universe to choose from, Aberdeen is near to Croydon and he really did quite well,” Harry finishes, keeping a carefully straight face.
and the TARDIS Matchmaking Service :)
The TARDIS Matchmaker thing comes from the time when I counted up how many companions wouldn't have married the person they married without becoming involved with the Doctor to disprove my friend's claim that 'all the old companions left to marry people they'd just met'.
It came to nine.
And interestingly, two thirds (ie. six) of the nine were First Doctor companions.
Why am I thinking in statistics? I hate maths!
She leans up and kisses him. “I promised the Doctor I’d give you his love.”
“Just his?”
That's adorable. I can't believe this is the first time you've written Sarah as a main character!
She's one of four companions in the story that I'm posting over at ff.net (haven't updated in a few months, though) which is basically my excuse to explore a zillion different timelines and explore where they split off and just really to play around with the concept that fascinates me but that's SJA Sarah or one of many alternate Sarahs with maybe a paragraph or two in each chapter.
SJA Sarah and Doctor Who Sarah are different, I think. So I watched Genesis of the Daleks and The Hand of Fear, cheering at my pre-cognisant choice of DVDs.
Link to the story please? I haven't seen it, but it sounds like a fun concept XD
I love your icon though.
Also, much love for that icon.
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