Burnt Fingers and Reprisals, PG, 1397 words

Feb 28, 2011 17:37

Title: Burnt Fingers and Reprisals
Characters/Pairings: Narvin, Vansell, Louis, Rigan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1397
Summary: The CIA have fingers in every pie. Occasionally they get burnt. Narvin and his career, in the midst of a clean-up.
Notes: Written for alex_e_smith for the morepolitics ficathon, from the prompt "Some kind of crossover with Unregenerate! the BFA". A ( Read more... )

character: rigan, character: vansell, fandom: doctor who, fic, challenge: ficathon, fandom: gallifrey, character: louis, character: narvin

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Comments 10

aralias February 28 2011, 21:35:52 UTC
must admit, i have only the foggiest memory of unregenerate, so thank you very much for providing a summary.

really like this, and the way you've chosen to intergrate it - by looking at it from the outsdie. what was (i assume, for clearly i don't remember it) a massive event in canon is a very second hand matter of annoying paperwork/job-worry for narvin. i particularly like that middle paragraph about understatements - but also this Using the defence that this wasn’t quite as bad as the demise of the Helgrim Institute was unlikely to impress Vansell. i also really like that romana isn't even in the fic, but still manages to be awesome :)


agapi42 March 7 2011, 22:45:37 UTC
janeturenne wrote the audio summary for me. Mine were turning out to be unwieldy, half-a-page-long things which still couldn't find a way to shoehorn all necessary details in, so I'm very grateful to her for that.

Thank you! I'm not sure it was 'a massive event', just what happened in the last five minutes as part of the tie-up. Although my mouth did rather fall open at that part. 'I can't believe they did that!...Poor Narvin.'

Romana's awesomeness is such that it just leaks through whenever she's mentioned.


alexwearspants February 28 2011, 22:01:39 UTC
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Ffffffffffffffffffff. This. You. Just. First-born child. Offering you. This. Yes. Thank youuuuu. God just. Thank you. A lot. I. Yes.

*clears throat* Right, coherency, I have it. I TOTALLY HAVE IT.

I just. You went and found out audio stuff for the purposes of fic writing which couldn't have been easy but you still got character voices and their (frankly sweet) little relationship thingy and I wanted to see more of these two and they're going to be all right! Narvin, Narvin and Vansell and Narvin and Vansell interacting and Narvin getting to be all sneaky and worried and have a career and little bits of plot-filling like things happening in absentia in regards to Romana and you managing to convey her voice perfectly even though she wasn't here and. Yes. Guh. That last line was lovely and a nice bit of forshadowing - I also love how Romana essentially saves Narvin's hide here but you could easily get the sense that it was merest oversight on her part (though she is no doubt used to being explicit when she has to ( ... )


agapi42 March 7 2011, 23:01:39 UTC
:D :D

I'm so delighted you liked it! I'm so glad the voices worked - I was listening to Unregenerate!, Neverland and various Gallifreys over and over and over, but I still wasn't sure about them, so it's great to hear you liked them!

Rigan and Louis little relationship thingy is sweet. I liked that. And I am now convinced that Narvin and Vansell should be together in More Things. It's a shame they broke the Matrix in the Gallifrey audios.

Thank you for giving me the prompt to write this fic! I enjoyed the research and the writing and figuring out things along the way (like the in absentia bit) and I am delighted you like the end result!


neveralarch March 2 2011, 02:57:44 UTC
Oh, this is so cool. I love Unregenerate, and this is a great coda. All the politicking in the background really fleshes it out.


agapi42 March 7 2011, 23:12:07 UTC
Thank you! I wasn't at all sure about my ability to write convincing politicking, so I'm very glad to hear it worked for you; apparently all those Gallifrey/CIA audios rubbed off on me after all!


atraphoenix March 10 2011, 22:29:50 UTC
I haven't actually listened to Unregenerate - although I clearly need to! - but I still managed to enjoy this. Narvin was brilliant and the politics were delightfully Gallifreyan and the final line was the icing on the cake.


agapi42 March 12 2011, 18:46:35 UTC
Thank you! I was unsure about the characterisation and the politicking, so thank you for commenting! And yes, do listen!


eloralouistra May 21 2011, 19:11:28 UTC
I've now listened to Unregenerate! and loved it, which makes this fic even more enjoyable. Louis and Rigan were brilliant and it’s great to have more of them here. (And in a fic with Vansell and Narvin, who I will love forever.)


agapi42 May 25 2011, 12:42:30 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed Unregenerate! Thank you for commenting again!


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